Department of Public Works » DPW Index
DPW Index
- Traffic Alerts
- Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A)
- Safety Action Plan
- Contact DPW
- DPW Projects
- Traffic Commission
- Storm Water
- Street & Traffic Services
- Bulk Pickup
Municipal Trash Service Information
- Pay My Trash Bill
Trash Fee FAQ
- I thought the trash fee was invalidated by the court.
- I thought the trash fee was invalidated by State legislation.
- Is this a permanent fee?
- How much is the trash fee?
- Will this fee increase in the future?
- Are there discounts from the fee?
- When will I get the new bill?
- When are the bills due?
- What happens if I pay late?
- What happens if I don't pay the fee?
- Why did the City take my trash bin away?
- How can I pay for this fee?
- Can I re-join the city trash program after I leave it?
- The number of containers on my trash fee bill is incorrect.
- I did not receive credit for the return of additional container(s).
- I only received the discount on one (1) container.
- I do not have city trash service at my property.
- The name of the owner on the bill is incorrect.
- Can I have the trash bill sent to a third party, who is not the primary owner?
- The service location on the bill is incorrect.
- The mailing address on the bill is incorrect.
- When will my bill be adjusted?
- My payment did not show on the bill.
- Can I schedule the trash fee payment through an automated debit to my bank?
- Can I add the trash fee payment to my bank's existing real estate escrow account?
- Do I have to pay the trash fee if my property is vacant?
- Can I return any unwanted or unused containers?
- Can I get a prorated bill?
- Do I have to pay the trash fee if I live in a condominium or mobile home?
- Will I be billed for containers assigned to my property, even if they are missing?
- Can I deduct this fee from my taxes?
- Who is responsible for paying the trash fee?
- Do I have to pay if I have private trash collection?
- Do I have to pay the fee if I rent?
- Do I have to pay for recycled items?
- Does the fee include disposal of bulky items?
- Will this fee change the way the trash is collected?
- How can I report a problem with my bill?
- How can I get more information?
- Can I pay the trash fee quarterly or set up a payment plan?
- Mayor Sarno's Message
- Ask a Trash Fee Question
- 2015 Paving List
- 2016 Paving List
- 2017 Paving List
- 2018 Paving List
- 2019 Paving List
- 2020 Paving List
- 2021 Paving List
- 2022 Paving List
- 2023 Paving List
- 2024 Paving List
- Site Plan Submission Requirements
- DPW Inspections
- Pavement Management
- Sidewalk Application
- Private Way Conversion
- MS4
- Rules of the Road
- House Number Application
- Hazardous Waste
- Waste Reduction & Textile Recovery
- Trash & Recycling
- Technology inside the DPW
- Street & Trench Permits
- DPW Index