Dog Licenses
April is Dog License Renewal Month
The City of Springfield reminds dog owners that April 1 to March 31, of each Year is dog registration period and May 31 of each Year is the last day to license your dog(s) without incurring a late fee.
Important Dog Registration Update
Online payments are now offered as the preferred method of payment. Use the following link Online Dog License Payments then click on the tab that reads CLERK DEPARTMENT.
Acceptable payment methods include:
- In person - Debit/Credit, Certified Bank Check, Money Order or Cash
- Online - E-check or Debit/Credit
- Mail - Certified Bank Check or Money Order Only - Personal Checks will no longer be accepted.
Annual License Fees:
- Male/Female - $25.00,
- Neutered Male or Spayed Female - $5.00
- Fixed late fee of $10.00 after June 1, 2024 will be automatically applied.
Updated Rabies Vaccination and Proof of Neuter/Spay is Required with all payments.
For questions regarding Dog Licenses please contact the City Clerk's Office at 413-787-6096
Dog owners registering by mail must include a self-addressed stamped envelope and a current rabies vaccination certificate. The City Clerk’s Office is cross-referencing rabies vaccination certificates received from veterinarians by using computer matching technology with current dog licenses on file in the Clerk’s Office.
On or about July 1 of each Year, the Clerk’s Office will publish a list all registered and unregistered dogs on the City’s website and report all unregistered dogs to animal control and the police department for enforcement of the mandatory dog licensing laws.