Roosevelt Ave & Island Pond Rd Intersection Improvements
Roosevelt Avenue serves as a major commuter route that provides a connection from a primarily residential portion of Springfield to other major commuter routes and retail districts within the City. Roosevelt Avenue also serves as the only crossing of Watershops Pond, which extends approximately 2.5 miles from east to west, via the three lane General Edwards Bridge. The Island Pond Road and Alden Street intersections, located on opposite sides of Watershops Pond, both experience high traffic volumes and congestion during peak conditions. The pedestrian facilities in this area are inadequate with poor connectivity and no protected crossings. The improvement plan realigns Island Pond Road with Roosevelt Avenue to create a three way signalized intersection consolidating all vehicle conflicts at one intersection. The plan also provides signal timing adjustments and new signal equipment at the Alden Street / Roosevelt Avenue intersection. A Southbound left turn lane on the Roosevelt Avenue approach is included. The pavement on the General Edwards Bridge has deteriorated and needs to be replaced. The preconstruction meeting was held January 31, 2017. The Contractor selected by MassDOT to complete the project is C&A Construction from Ludlow MA. C&A construction is anticipating starting on the first week of April at the Island Pond, Roosevelt, Alden St. intersections.