North End & Brightwood Avenue Streetscape Project
The work under this Contract consists of Phase II of the North End & Brightwood Avenue
Streetscape Project. The Phase II portion of the project includes improvements to approximately 6000 FT of Main Street (from Osgood Street north to the Chicopee City Line), 2700 FT of Birnie Avenue, 600 FT of Huntington Street, and 600 FT of Arch Street. Phase II also includes traffic signal improvements at the intersections of Main Street with Sheldon and Jefferson Street and Main Street with Walter and Noble Street. A new traffic signal is proposed at the intersection of Main Street with Wason Avenue.
The work includes unclassified excavation, micro-milling, hot mix asphalt overlay, cement concrete sidewalk with brick accent strips, cement concrete sidewalks and wheelchair ramps, cement concrete driveways, brick sidewalk removed and relaid, decorative crosswalks, minor drainage modification to the existing system, removal and resetting of granite curb, new granite curb, full depth hot mix asphalt pavement, pavement markings, signs, reconstruction of existing traffic signal systems, installation of street lighting infrastructure, landscaping and other incidental work.