How can I report a problem with my bill?
In the event there is a problem with your trash fee bill, please call Customer Service at (413) 736-3111. Examples of billing mistakes may include:
- incorrect number of containers, resulting in the wrong fee amount;
- bill sent to the incorrect owner of the property or to a renter;
- bill sent to the owner, who hauls his or her own trash or has private trash service;
- bill sent to the owner who qualifies for other exemptions from the fee;
- bill for the full amount of the fee, when the owner qualifies for a discount;
- multiple billing; etc.
The City has provided the Trash Fee Change/Dispute Form which you can use in correcting such errors. This form must be received within forty-five (45) days of the bill date. The application will be reviewed and residents will receive written notice of the City's determination.