Licensing Department

The Licensing Department is comprised of three Attorneys, two Paralegals and one Legal Assistant. We are here to help you make the process of obtaining your License as fast and easy as possible.

Director of Licensing/ Deputy City Solicitor

Alesia H. Days, Esq.

What We Do?

At The Licensing Department We Handle The Following Licenses:

*Liquor License

*Common Victualler Restaurant License

* Class I, II, III Auto Dealership License

*Entertainment License

*Video Game License

* Pool Table License

*Movie Theater License

*Bowling Alley License

*Lodging House License

*BYOB Application

*Taxi License

* Livery License

*One Day Entertainment Licenses (Application not available online)

* One Day Alcohol Licenses


How To Obtain a Liquor License?


All Liquor License Forms and Applications are found ONLINE ONLY at the Alcoholic Berverage Control Commission (ABCC) website at

1. Complete Application form  and submit it to the Licensing Department with a $200.00 check Payable to the City of Springfield. All ABCC transaction fees must be paid online. Print your payment confirmation page and include it in your application packet when submitting it to the Licensing Department.

2. Meeting with Neighborhood Council

3. Planning Board Hearing

4.  License Commission Hearing

5.  Application sent to ABCC by the Local Licensing Authority (LLA)

6.  ABCC has Final Approval

7. LLA Recieves Approval from ABCC

8. License is Issued


One Day Events

A list of events that have been issued One Day Event permits can be found HERE (This will be updated each Friday).


How to Obtain a Taxi or Livery License?

Taxi & Livery Application Process

New applicants for a Taxi or Livery license need to meet the "Driver Requirements Checklist" before completing the Taxi License application. Once the application is completed and submitted, the CORI form that is apart of the application will be sent to the police department for the background check. The Tax Certification Affidavit will be sent to the City of Springfield Collectors Office. Once the background check and tax certification review is deemed to have been passed, the Licesning Department will contact the applicant to come to the Licensing Department to pick up an approval form that the individual must bring to the police department to get their finger prints scanned and photo ID Taxi License issued.

If the applicant fails the background check, a hearing notice will be mailed to the applicant to attend a Taxi and Livery hearing to discuss with the commission the reason(s) the applicant failed the background check and to discuss If there is an opportunity to be approved with conditons. If a applicant fails Tax Certification reveiw the application will be denied until the outstanding bills are satisfied.

Please note: Forms cannot be submitted by e-mail.

Process to Obtain Other License Types

1.Complete the Application Related to the License Required for Your Business Type

2. Submit your completed application to the Licensing Department with a Certified Bank Check or Money Order in the amount of the applicable fee. Attach the specified additional required documents and submit it with your application.

Please Click here to View the Full Guide of the Process to Obtain Different License Types.


Please be advised ALL Applications must go through the Tax Certification process before Approval or Denial .


Please Be advised the Licensing Department ONLY accepts Certified Bank Checks or Money Orders

If you hold a caterer’s license please notify the License Commission at least 2 weeks in advance at Please attach a copy of your caterer’s license.

For Further Information

Please Contact us at (413) 787-6140.


Contact the Licensing Department 

City Hall, Room 305
36 Court St.
Springfield, MA 01103
Mon-Fri 8:30 am - 4:30 pm

Phone: (413) 787-6140
Fax: (413) 787-6528 

Page last updated:  Thursday, January 20, 2022 03:35 pm