Springfield Board of Police Commissioners
The Board of Police Commissioners (the Board) is responsible for disciplinary oversight of the employees of the Springfield Police Department. The Board can conduct disciplinary hearings and make disciplinary determinations that include, among other outcomes, termination. The Board will have final say on all disciplinary matters where the alleged misconduct could result in more than a brief (five days or less) suspension, and has the authority to require a hearing on any allegation of misconduct it deems appropriate.
Presentation from Virtual Community Meeting About the Board of Police Commissioners
The City of Springfield and the Springfield Police Department (SPD), in collaboration with the Compliance Evaluator Team and Department of Justice held a virtual community meeting about the recently released draft of the Board of Police Commissioners (BPC) Manual. At this meeting, the parties discussed key points covered by the manual, engage in discussion about the purpose and role of the manual, answer questions about the requirements outlined in the manual, and receive feedback, concerns, and suggestions raised by those in attendance that should be considered before the manual is finalized.
To view the power point presentation, CLICK HERE ------>
Terms of Members
The Board consists of five members, appointed by the Mayor. The initial terms of appointees are staggered as follows: the first and second appointees serve for three (3) year terms; the third and fourth appointees serve for two (2) year terms; and the fifth appointee serves a one (1) year term. Annually thereafter, appointees to the Board shall serve three (3) year terms. Each term shall expire on the first day in April, in the year the term expires. Members serve at the pleasure of the Mayor and may serve on the Board beyond the expiration of their term, until a successor is appointed.
The City will post on its website information about when the terms of the current members expire.
Current Members:
- Dr. Gary Berte: Appointed March 1, 2022, for a three-year term. Term expires April 1, 2025
- Professor of Criminal Justice at Springfield College, former Springfield Police Officer and former Director of Public Safety for Amherst College. Former member of the Civilian Community Police Hearing Board.
- Robert C. Jackson: Appointed March 1, 2022, for a three-year term. Term expires April 1, 2025
- Owner of a local security business and longtime community activist. Former member of the Civilian Community Police Hearing Board.
- Albert Tranghese: Appointed March 1, 2022, for a two-year term. Term expires April 1, 2024
- Retired Human Resource manager and former Labor Union representative. Former member of the Civilian Community Police Hearing Board.
- Madeline Fernandez: Appointed March 1, 2022, for a one-year term and reappointed on April 24, 2023. Term expires first Monday in April 2026.
- 20-year veteran of the Hampden County Sheriff’s Department, Director of the re-entry program. Master degree in public administration with a concentration in criminal justice from Westfield State University.
- Norman Roldan: Appointed February 7, 2024, finishing the term from previous Police Commissioner. Term expires April 1, 2024
- Former Police Commissioner and chair. Previously served as a School Committee member. Longtime community advocate.
Contact Info
Gary Berte – 413-351-5920
Albert Tranghese – 413-726-8614
Madeline Fernandez – 413-432-9169
Robert Jackson – 413-432-9641
Norman Roldan - 413-726-8159
Application process/Letters of Interest:
Any Springfield resident interested in serving on the Board can submit a letter of interest to the Mayor’s office that includes a brief discussion about 1) why they are interested in the position, 2) a summary of their background, and 3) and how they meet the qualifications listed below.
Applicants interested in serving as a member of the Board of Police Commissioners must meet the following qualifications:
- Be a resident of the City of Springfield, and remain a resident at all times while serving as a member of the Board;
- Be a person of integrity;
- Be a person specially fitted by education, training or experience to perform the duties of a member of the Board;
- Be willing to commit sufficient time to serving on the Board, including attending regular monthly meetings, and additional meetings and hearings which may take place during the day or in the evening;
- Represent a diverse cross-section of the Springfield community; and
- For former members of the Police Department: At any given time, no more than two (2) members of the Board can be former members of the Springfield Police Department. Former members must be separated from employment for at least two (2) years before being eligible to serve on the Board.
Letters of interest may be sent to the Mayor’s Office by mail or hand delivered to:
Mayor Domenic J. Sarno
Office of the Mayor
36 Court Street, Room 214
Springfield, MA 01103
The City will post on its website about the opportunity to submit letters of interest when vacancies occur on the Board of Police Commissioners.
The Internal Investigation Unit has a form for Compliments or Complaints of Springfield Police Officers. The information in the Citizen Compliment and Complaint Form details how to fill out and submit the form. For more information or assistance, contact the IIU at: (413) 787-6383.
The Springfield Police Department is committed to providing the highest quality of police services by empowering our members and the community to work in partnership with the goal of improving the quality of life within Springfield, while at the same time maintaining respect for individual rights and human dignity.
Our goal is to ensure that our employees are guided by the principles that every individual has infinite dignity and worth and that we must show respect for the citizens we serve and for the men and women of the Department.
A citizen compliment or complaint, and its subsequent investigation, causes the police to examine the services that we provide to our community and to make necessary improvements in the way we provide those services.
Each complaint will be investigated and appropriate follow up actions taken. You will be informed of the results of the investigation initiated by your complaint.
If you have a complaint or you would like to compliment an employee, you can fill out the form and either mail it or drop it off at the Internal Investigation Unit Office at 299 Page Boulevard.
You may also email the form to IIUSubmit@SpringfieldPolice.net. If you require more space to describe the complaint/compliment, convert the additional information into PDF file format and attach it to the email with your form. Please call (413) 787-6383 if you have any question or need assistance filling out the form.
Complaints can be filed on actions by any Police Department employee.
Fill Out the Compliment/Complaint Form Now
- Springfield Police Department, 130 Pearl Street | Front Desk: (413) 787-6322 (request to speak with a supervisor) or; Squad Captain/Watch Commander: (413) 787-6325 (request to speak with commanding officer on duty)
- City Hall/Clerks Office, 36 Court Street | Phone: (413) 787-6094 or (413) 736-3111 or 311
- Indian Orchard Citizen Council, 117 Main Street, Indian Orchard | Phone: (413) 209-8240
- New North Citizen Council, Satellite Office at Gerena School’s Tunnel Office, 3012 Main Street | Phone: (413) 747-0090 or (413) 732-3229
- South End Citizen Council, 510 Main Street | Phone: (413) 732-5105
- Springfield Police Department, Internal Investigation Unit (IIU), 299 Page Boulevard | Phone: (413) 787-6383
- Urban League, 1 Federal Street, Building 111-3 | Phone: (413) 739-7211