Community Choice Energy Program

City of Springfield Files Municipal Aggregation Plan with Department of Public Utilities

On June 21, 2024, the City of Springfield (“City”) filed a request with the Department of Public Utilities (“Department”) for approval of a municipal aggregation plan pursuant to G.L. c. 164, § 134. General Laws c. 164, § 134 authorizes a municipality to procure electric supply on behalf of consumers within its municipal borders through a municipal aggregation program (“Program”). Eligible electricity consumers not already enrolled with a competitive electric supplier would be automatically enrolled in the Program unless they chose to optout, in which case they would continue to receive basic service provided by their electric distribution company, Eversource. The Department docketed this petition as D.P.U. 24-88.

The City has retained Colonial Power Group, Inc. to serve as its consultant in this proceeding and to assist in the implementation of the Program. The City seeks a waiver on its own behalf and on behalf of the competitive electric supplier(s) chosen for the Program, of certain information disclosure requirements contained in G.L. c. 164, § 1F(6) and 220 CMR 11.06(4)(c). The Department will conduct a virtual public hearing to receive comments on the City’s filing. The Department will conduct the hearing using Zoom videoconferencing on Wednesday, August 14, 2024, beginning at 2:00 p.m. Attendees can join by entering the link,, from a computer, smartphone, or tablet. No prior software download is required. For audio-only access to the hearings, attendees can dial in at (301) 715 8592 (not toll free) and then enter the Meeting ID# 820 4335 2264. If you anticipate providing comments via Zoom during the public hearing, to the extent possible, please send an email by the close of business (5:00 p.m.) on Tuesday, August 13, 2024, to with your name, email address, and mailing address. Alternatively, any person who desires to comment on this matter may submit written comments to the Department no later than the close of business (5:00 p.m.) on Tuesday, August 13, 2024. Please note that in the interest of transparency any comments will be posted to our website as received and without redacting personal information, such as addresses, telephone numbers, or email addresses. As such, consider the extent of information you wish to share when submitting comments. The Department strongly encourages public comments to be submitted by email. If, however, a member of the public is unable to send written comments by email, a paper copy may be sent to Mark D. Marini, Secretary, Department of Public Utilities, One South Station, Boston, Massachusetts, 02110.

All written comments or other documents should be submitted to the Department in PDF format by e-mail attachment to and In addition, all written comments should be emailed to counsel for the City, James M. Avery, Esq., at The text of the e-mail must specify: (1) the docket number of the proceeding (D.P.U. 24-88); (2) the name of the person or company submitting the filing; and (3) a brief descriptive title of the document. All documents submitted in electronic format will be posted on the Department’s website as soon as practicable at The e-mail must also include the name, title, and telephone number of a person to contact in the event of questions about the filing. Importantly, all large files must be broken down into electronic files that do not exceed 20MB.  The City’s filing and all related documents submitted to or issued by the Department will be available at the Department’s website as soon as is practicable at (enter “24-88”). To request materials in accessible formats (Braille, large print, electronic files, audio format) for people with disabilities, contact the Department’s ADA coordinator at

Any person desiring further information regarding the City’s filing or a paper copy of the filing should contact James M. Avery, Esq., at or (617) 488-8100. For further information regarding this Notice, please contact Lauren Morris, Hearing Officer, Department of Public Utilities, at

Click here to view the notice - English

Haga clic aquí para ver el aviso - Española

Springfield Community Choice Power Supply Aggregation Plan

Springfield Officials Have Released the City’s Community Choice Power Supply Program Aggregation Plan (previously publicized as the Green Municipal Aggregation Program)

As part of Mayor Domenic J. Sarno’s continued to efforts to provide financial relief and assistance to Springfield residents and businesses, the City of Springfield is moving forwarding with the implementation of a Community Choice Power Supply Program (previously publicized as the Green Municipal Aggregation Program). The City has developed the Aggregation Plan in compliance with Massachusetts law regarding public aggregation of electric consumers. It contains required information on the structure, operations, services, funding, and policies of the City’s Plan. The Plan has been developed in consultation with the City’s municipal aggregation consultant, Colonial Power Group, Inc. (CPG) and the Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources (DOER).

The purpose of the Program is to allow the City to procure competitive electric supply on behalf of residents and businesses to provide cost savings and price stability. It seeks to aggregate consumers in the City to negotiate rates for power supply by bringing together the buying power of more than 155,000 consumers. Furthermore, the City seeks to take greater control of its energy options, including enhancing the ability to pursue price stability, savings opportunities and the amount of renewable energy procured in support of the City’s Climate Action and Resilience Plan. The City has been monitoring this opportunity for a number of years, waiting for the right time to take advantage of municipal aggregation and provide utility relief for residents. However, savings cannot be guaranteed. Participation is voluntary for each consumer. Consumers will have the opportunity to decline service provided through the Plan and to choose any Competitive Supplier they wish. The City has distributed this Plan for public review prior to submitting it to the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities (DPU).

Basic Service rates change twice a year or more, depending on rate class. As a result, the aggregation rate may not always be lower than the Basic Service rate. The goal of the aggregation is to deliver savings over the life of the Program against Eversource Basic Service. However, such savings and future savings cannot be guaranteed.

Public Review and Comment Period

The City of Springfield’s Aggregation Plan is available for public review and comment from Monday, April 24, 2024, at 9 a.m. through Friday, May 31, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. Any person who desires to comment may do so in person at the City Clerk’s office or submit written comments using one of the following methods: (1) by e-mail to; or (2) by postal mail to the address below.

Comments must be clearly marked City of Springfield’s Aggregation Plan and must be received (not postmarked) by the end of the comment period in order to be addressed.

Ciara Hanlon

Senior Budget Analyst

Springfield City Hall

36 Court Street, Room 412

Springfield, MA 01103

Any questions pertaining to this should be directed to Ciara Hanlon, Senior Budget Analyst at (413) 784-4819.  Click here to read the City of Springfield’s Aggregation Plan. An original hardcopy of the Plan is also available in English and Spanish at the following locations:

  • City of Springfield, City Clerk’s office, 36 Court Street, 1st Floor
  • City of Springfield, Springfield Office of Housing, 1600 East Columbus Avenue
  • City of Springfield, Office of Planning & Economic Development, 70 Tapley Street
  • City of Springfield, Mayor's Office, 36 Court Street, 2nd Floor
  • City of Springfield, Parks Department, 200 Trafton Road
  • Central Library Branch, 220 State Street
  • Brightwood Branch Library, 359 Plainfield Street
  • East Forest Park Branch Library, 136 Surrey Road
  • East Springfield Branch Library, 21 Osborne Terrace
  • Forest Park Branch Library, 380 Belmont Avenue
  • Indian Orchard Branch Library, 44 Oak Street, IO
  • Mason Square Branch Library, 765 State Street
  • Sixteen Acres Branch Library, 1187 Parker Street
  • Raymond Jordan Senior Center, 1476 Roosevelt Avenue
  • Hungry Hill Senior Center, 773 Liberty Street
  • Claudo Concepcion Senior Center, 1187 1/2 Parker Street
  • Indian Orchard Citizens Council, 117 Main Street, IO
  • Bay Area Neighborhood Resident Resource Center, 443 Bay Street
  • New North Citizens Council, 2455 Main Street
  • East Springfield Neighborhood Council, 1437 Carew Street
  • South End Citizens Council, 510 Main Street


Los funcionarios de Springfield lanzaron el Plan de Agrupación del Programa de Suministro de Energía de Elección Comunitaria de la Ciudad (antes publicado con el nombre de Programa Ecológico de Agrupación Municipal)

Como parte de los esfuerzos continuos del alcalde Domenic J. Sarno de proporcionar asistencia y ayuda económica a los residentes y las empresas de Springfield, la Ciudad de Springfield avanzará con la implementación del Programa de Suministro de Energía de Elección Comunitaria (antes publicado con el nombre de Programa Ecológico de Agrupación Municipal). La Ciudad desarrolló el Plan de Agrupación en cumplimiento con las leyes de Massachusetts con respecto a la agrupación pública de consumidores de energía eléctrica. Contiene la información necesaria sobre la estructura, las operaciones, los servicios, el financiamiento y las políticas del Plan de la Ciudad. Para desarrollar el Plan, se solicitó asesoramiento a un consultor de agrupación municipal, Colonial Power Group, Inc. (CPG) y al Departamento de Recursos Energéticos de Massachusetts (Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources, DOER).

El objetivo del Programa es permitir a la Ciudad conseguir un suministro eléctrico competitivo en nombre de los residentes y las empresas a fin de ahorrar costos y lograr la estabilidad en los precios. Se busca agrupar a los consumidores de la Ciudad en la negociación de las tarifas de suministro eléctrico, para lo cual se reúne el poder adquisitivo de más de 155,000 consumidores. Además, la Ciudad busca asumir un mayor control sobre las opciones de energía, incluido el aumento de la capacidad de buscar estabilidad en los precios, oportunidades de ahorro y la cantidad de energía renovable lograda a fin de respaldar el Plan de Acción Climática y Resiliencia de la Ciudad. La Ciudad ha estado evaluando esta oportunidad durante varios años, a la espera del momento indicado para aprovechar la agrupación municipal y brindar ayuda a los residentes con el pago de los servicios públicos. Sin embargo, no se puede garantizar el ahorro. La participación es voluntaria para cada consumidor. Los consumidores tendrán la oportunidad de rechazar el servicio brindado a través del Plan y elegir cualquier Proveedor Competitivo que deseen. La Ciudad distribuyó este Plan para su revisión pública antes de enviarlo al Departamento de Servicios Públicos (Department of Public Utilities, DPU) de Massachusetts.

Las tarifas del servicio básico cambian dos veces al año o más, según la clase de tarifa. Como resultado, el arancel de agrupación quizás no sea siempre inferior a la tarifa del servicio básico. El objetivo de la agrupación es permitir el ahorro durante la vigencia del Programa en comparación con el Servicio Básico de Eversource. Sin embargo, no se pueden garantizar tales ahorros actuales y futuros.

Revisión pública y período de comentarios

El Plan de Agrupación de la Ciudad de Springfield estará disponible para la revisión pública y la realización de comentarios desde el lunes 24 de abril de 2024 a las 9:00 a. m. hasta el viernes 31 de mayo de 2024 a las 5:00 p. m. Cualquier persona que desee realizar comentarios, puede hacerlo presencialmente en la Secretaría Municipal o enviarlos por escrito a través de algunos de los siguientes métodos: (1) por correo electrónico a; o (2) por correo postal a la dirección indicada más abajo. Los comentarios deben incluir la siguiente leyenda bien destacada: City of Springfield’s Aggregation Plan (Plan de Agrupación de la Ciudad de Springfield). La fecha de recepción (no del matasellos) debe estar dentro de la fecha límite del período de comentarios para que se los tenga en cuenta.

Ciara Hanlon

Senior Budget Analyst

Springfield City Hall

36 Court Street, Room 412

Springfield, MA 01103

Si tiene preguntas relacionadas con este tema, comuníquese con Ciara Hanlon, analista de presupuestos sénior, al (413) 784-4819.  Haga clic aquí para leer el Plan de Agrupación de la Ciudad de Springfield. Una copia impresa del plan también está disponible en inglés y español en las siguientes ubicaciones:

  • Ciudad de Springfield, Oficina del Secretario de la Ciudad, 36 Court Street, 1er piso
  • Ciudad de Springfield, Oficina de Vivienda de Springfield, 1600 East Columbus Avenue
  • Ciudad de Springfield, Oficina de Planificación y Desarrollo Económico, 70 Tapley Street
  • Ciudad de Springfield, Oficina del Alcalde, 36 Court Street, 2º piso
  • Ciudad de Springfield, Departamento de Parques, 200 Trafton Road
  • Biblioteca Central, 220 State Street
  • Sucursal de la Biblioteca en Brightwood, 359 Plainfield Street
  • Sucursal de la Biblioteca en East Forest Park, 136 Surrey Road
  • Sucursal de la Biblioteca en East Springfield, 21 Osborne Terrace
  • Sucursal de la Biblioteca en Forest Park, 380 Belmont Avenue
  • Sucursal de la Biblioteca en Indian Orchard, 44 Oak Street, IO
  • Sucursal de la Biblioteca en Mason Square, 765 State Street
  • Sucursal de la Biblioteca en Dieciséis Acres, 1187 Parker Street
  • Centro para personas mayores Raymond Jordan, 1476 Roosevelt Avenue
  • Centro para personas mayores de Hungry Hill, 773 Liberty Street
  • Centro para personas mayores Clodo Concepción, 1187 1/2 Parker Street
  • Consejo de Ciudadanos de Indian Orchard, 117 Main Street, IO
  • Centro de Recursos para Residentes del Vecindario de la Bay, 443 Bay Street
  • Consejo de Ciudadanos de New North, 2455 Main Street
  • Consejo Vecinal de East Springfield, 1437 Carew Street
  • Consejo de Ciudadanos de South End, 510 Main Street


Page last updated:  Tuesday, April 23, 2024 03:44 pm