Environment Review Frequently Asked Questions
What materials are needed to conduct an environmental review?
In order for DTAC to conduct an environmental review properly and efficiently we ask that those sending requests include:
- The project site location
- The program the project is part of
- A project description
- A scope of work or list of project activities
- Source of funds as well as amount from each source
- Project Notification Form if already submitted, stamped, and returned from the Massachusetts Historical Commission
How long will an environmental review take?
Environmental reviews will take varying times to complete based on a host of potential factors such as the scale of the project, number of activities taking place for a project, level of review required, and newsletter publishing. Additionally, if DTAC is required to submit a project notification form the ER will take at least 30 days to complete.
What goes into the statutory checklist?
Standard level-1 Compliance measures include:
- Airport Hazards*
- Coastal Barrier Resources**
- Flood Insurance
- Clean Air
- Coastal Zone Management**
- Contamination and Toxic Substances
- Endangered Species
- Explosive and Flammable Hazard
- Farmlands Protection
- Floodplain Management
- Historic Preservation
- Noise Abatement and Control
- Sole Source Aquifers*
- Wetlands Protection
- Wild and Scenic Rivers*
- Environmental Justice
*: Utilizes a single standardized map/document for all projects in Springfield, MA.
**: Springfield, MA is not located by a coastline.