Responsible Employer Ordinance

Residents of the City of Springfield shall benefit from taxpayer money through public construction projects. City funds have a positive economic benefit when spent on construction contracts that have provisions that include residents, minorities, women and veterans.
Due to the City of Springfield's high level of unemployment, diversified workforce demographics, and a large minority population, the residents of Springfield should be part of and benefit from City-based construction projects.
Therefore, it is appropriate for the City of Springfield to require that each public construction project, as defined in the Resonsible Employer Ordinance (REO) include employment opportunities for Springfield residents, minorities, women, and veterans through compliance with the ordinance codified in the REO
Furthermore, the City Council determined that it is appropriate for it to exercise entrepreneurial discretion by requiring firms that are awarded such contracts to comply with this article because a failure to comply is injurious to the life, health and happiness of individuals employed by such firms and is deleterious to the quality of life in the City where most of such individuals reside. [As enacted on 07/27/2009,amended 2-4-2019]
The Responsible Employer Ordinance Shall Benefit Residents, Minorities, Women and Veterans on Public Construction Contracts
Contractors shall be required to provide employment based on a percentage of the total proect hours:
Residents: 35% of the projects hours
Minorities: 20% of the projects hours
Women: 6.9% of the projects hours
Veterans: 5% of the projects hours

Known as the "Monitoring Committee", this article, its enforcement, and compliance with its requirements is monitored by the Monitoring Committee. The Monitoring Committee shall be comprised of five individuals including the following and each shall serve at the discretion of his or her appointing authority:
A. Two appointees of the City Council;
B. Three appointees of the Mayor. Initially, one appointment by the Mayor and one appointment by the City Council shall serve for one year. Except as noted all appointments made in accordance with the REO shall serve for two-year terms. Such terms may be sooner terminated, with or without cause, by the appointing authority named. All action by the monitoring committee shall be by majority vote of a quorum of the then-appointed members. A quorum shall be no less than three members.
Committee Members

A. Melvin A. Edwards, Chairman (Councilperson)
Timothy Allen (Councilperson)
B. Fiore Grassetti
Lindsay Hackett
Pat Sullivan