Online Registration Frequently Asked Questions

General Website Questions

Creating Accounts and Changing/Resetting Your Password

Adding/Updating Child Information

Registering For A Program

Waiting List

After Completing Registration

General Website Questions

I registered online for park programs in the past. Do I need to create a new account?

No. If you used our online registration previously, your account is still active. You can simply login, update your information and register for programs.

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Can I use the registration website on my phone?

Yes. There is a mobile friendly version of the website. The main difference between the computer site and the mobile site, is that the options across the top on the computer site become a menu in the top right of the page on a mobile device. The menu is indicated by three short bars. It provides access to: Home, Parent Profile, Info and Logout. If you having difficulty seeing the whole page on a mobile device, try turning the phone on it's side (so that the long side of the phone is at the top and bottom).

In addition, the website may look very different, and may not work correctly (on a computer or a mobile device), if you are not using a standard web browser. For a list of common web browsers, click here.

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Does the online registration website send out confirmation e-mails? I am not receiving any e-mails. What should I do?

Yes, the registration website does send out confirmation e-mails. You will receive an e-mail after you create your new account. You will also receive a confirmation e-mail for each new child that you add to your account. Lastly, you will receive an e-mail after each child is successfully registered for a program. If you are not receiving these e-mails, please check your junk or spam folders. The e-mails will come from web admin ( It can also take a few minutes for the e-mails to arrive.

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Where can I find more information on the currently available programs (program dates, registration dates, eligibility requiremente, etc.)?

We have more information on our website on the Online Registration page. You can also find information on the Info page when you login to your account. In addition to the information on the Info page, that page provides links to the Family Handbooks (English and Spanish) which provide much more detail about the programs.

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Creating Accounts and Changing/Resetting Your Password

When I create an account, is the account information (name and DOB for example) my (parent) information or is it my child's information?

The information on the Create Account (and Update Profile) pages is the parent's information. Please enter the name, address, date of birth, etc. for yourself (the parent) as you are the one creating the account. You will enter your child(ren)'s information when you add a child to the account.

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There is a box on the Create Account and Edit Profile pages for Address. Is this my street address or my e-mail address?

The Address box is for the household's street address. That is the house number and street (and apartment number if applicable). This does not include the city, state or zip code. This box is not meant for your e-mail address. There is a separate Email box where you enter your e-mail address.

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What do I do if I forgot my password?

There is a Reset Password button on the login page. When you click the button, it will take you to a page that will ask for your e-mail address. This needs to be the e-mail address associated with the account. Enter the e-mail address and click Send Password, You will receive an e-mail with a new password. The e-mail will come from web admin ( If you are not seeing the e-mail in your Inbox, please check you junk or spam folders. Use this password to login to your account.

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I reset my password and the password I received by email is not working. What should I do?

The most likely issue is that you entered the new password incorrectly. Make sure that you enter the password exactly as it appears in your email (including capital letters if they appear in the password). You can also copy the password from the email and paste it into the Password box on the login page. If you are having trouble with a particular password, you can always reset your password again and maybe the new password will be easier to work with. Also, it is a good idea to change your password as soon as you login with the random password. This allows you to set the password to something that will be easier to remember.

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How do I change my password?

If you want to change your password (to something other than the temporary reset password, for example), login to your account. At the top of the main page, click Parent Profile. At the bottom of the Edit Profile page, is a Click Here To Change Password link. Click the link. It will ask you for your current password, a new password and confirmation of the new password. Enter the information and click Save. You will return to the main page and your password is changed.

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Do I have to provide my income?

Yes. This information is required so that we can report to one of our grant providers. We report the information to our grant provider in aggregate, so they will not see your individual income information.

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Adding/Updating Child Information

I entered the incorrect date of birth for my child. Now I can't change it. What should I do?

You can email Please include your (parent's) name, the e-mail address for the account, your child's name and the correct date of birth. If we have questions, we may ask you to provide a copy of their birth certificate as verification.

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There is a box for Student Lunch Number on the Add/Update Child page. I do not have a lunch number for my child. Is this information required?

We require a lunch number for the child for our afterschool programs to assist in verifying their identity. We do NOT require a Lunch Number in the summer because we have some children in our summer programs who do not attend a Springfield Public School.

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What should I do if my child's school is not in the School dropdown when I am adding or updating my child's information?

Most of our participants attend Springfield Public Schools. For this reason, we only include those schools in the list. There is an option at the bottom of the dropdown list labeled Other (Not In List). Use this selection if your child's school is not in the list. If your child attends a Springfield Public School that is not in the list, call 413-787-6434 and let us know so that we can add the school to the list.

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When I am adding (or updating) my child's information, should the grade be their current grade or the one they are entering in the fall?

In the summer, we ask that you provide the grade (and school) that your child will attend in the fall. For afterschool program registration it should be their current grade.

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Registering For A Program

I added my child to my account. Does this mean that s/he is registered for a program?

No. You must add a child to your account before they can be registered (and this can be done at any time) but there is another step. You can only register for a program when registration is open. For the dates that registration opens, please login to your account and visit the Info page. Once registration opens, you will need to login to your account and click Register For Programs. At this point you will select your child, then the program you want for them. Lastly, you will complete a series of forms for the program. You must complete all of the forms at one time. Once the forms are completed for a child, they will be registered for the program.

You will receive a confirmation e-mail once you complete the registration process. You will receive a separate e-mail for each child you register.

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Why don't I see any programs on the lefthand side after I login and there are no programs on the Available Programs page when I try to register my child?

Programs will only appear on the lefthand side of your main account page if they are open for registration. The registration website is generally available before registration opens, so that you can manage your profile information, add children, update children, etc. Once a program is available for registration it will appear on the lefthand side of trhe main account page. If you attempt to register for a program before registration is open, it will also not appear under Available Programs during the registration process. For details on when registration will open you can visit our Online Registration page or login to your account and visit the Info page.

In addition, once registration opens, the list of programs on the Available Programs page (when you are registering) is adjusted based on whether your child is eligible for the program. This can be impacted by their age (in the Summer) or by what school they attend (during the school year) as well as other criteria.

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Why are there programs missing from the list of available programs when I try to place programs on hold or register for programs?

The lefthand size of the main page shows all active programs and the number of slots (or wait list slots) available for each program. Once you start to register (or place programs on hold), the list of available programs is based on the eligibility of the child you are trying to register. So, if your child does not meet all of the criteria for the progrram (age, has lunch number if needed, attends the correct school in the case of afterschool) then the program will not be available for that child to register. Make sure your child meets the criteria for the program. This information can be found on the Info page (after you log in), on the online registration page and in the Family Handbook.

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When I click Register For Programs, I get a page that says Select Hold Slots For Registration. What does that mean?

Before actually registering for a program, you will place the desired programs on hold. This will help to insure that you do not lose program spots for your children while you are registering. After you click the Select Program Holds button, you will be taken through the rest of the registration process.

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How long do I have to complete the registration process in order to continue to hold the programs I selected for my child(ren)?

The program slots that you placed on hold for your child(ren) will remain on hold for 30 minutes. After that time, you would need to place them on hold again and you might lose your slot(s). If you don't think you will be able to complete all of the forms during the initial registration process, you can always go back and update the forms later by clicking on the Summary link next to your child''s name at the top of the main page.

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Can I register my child for a program if I did not place that program on hold for them?

No. You may only register a child for the program (or wait lists) that you selected on the Select Hold Slots For Registration.

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Does placing a child on hold complete the registration process?

No. Once you place your child(ren) on hold for selected programs, you must still complete the registration process. This includes selecting the child, selecting the program and then completing a series of forms. A child is only registered once you have completed all of the forms for that child. At that point their name and program will appear at the bottom of the main page under Availble Programs. If a child is not showing up there, then they are not registered for a program.

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When I select a non-waitlist program, on the Select Hold Slots For Registration page, it unselects the open program I had selected. Why does it do that?

If you are registering for a program with available slots, you cannot also add your child to the waitlist.

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Can I keep my child on the wait list for a program while they are also fully registered for a different program?

No. A child cannot be on the wait list for a program while they are registered for another program. If you are on the wait list for a program and then (later) register (not on the wait list) for another program, your child will be removed from all wait lists.

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How can I tell if my child is successfully registered for a program?

If your child is successfully registered, their name will appear at the bottom of your main account page under Registered Programs with the name of the program they registered for. If they are on the wait list for a program, that will be indicated as well in the same section.

In addition, you will receive an e-mail letting you know your child is registered. It will list the child's name and the program they are registered for. Click here for more information if you are are not receiving the confirmation emails.

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Waiting List

My child is on the wait list. How will I find out if they get into the program?

We will contact you, if an opening becomes available for your child. For the summer program, we will contact you before the start of the program. For the afterschool program, you could be contacted anytime during the course of the program. If we contact you after the start of the program for the afterschool program, we will let you know when your child can start attending.

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Can I place my child on more than one wait list?

Yes, for the Summer program. You can place your child on any waiting list that has space. We will contact you once an opening occurs at any of the programs for which your child is on the waiting list. In the afterschool program, a child is only eligible for the program at their school, so this rule does not apply.

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After Completing Registration

I forgot to download the Family Handbook during the registration process. Can I still access the Family Handbook?

Yes. There are links to the Family Handbook (English and Spanish) on the Info page. In addition, that page provides information about the programs as well as contact phone numbers if you have additional questions.

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What if I need to add a new pickup agent after I register?

You can login to your account at any time and make changes to your account. This can include parent information, child information, pickup agents (adding, editing or deleting) and form information.

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How can I change information that I entered on the additional forms that I completed during the registration process?

Login to your account. Next to your child's name (under My Children) click the Summary link. The next page will display a list of forms for each program registration. Some forms cannot be updated. If the name of the form is a link, then it can be updated. Click on the link for the form. This takes you to a page with the form populated with your previously entered information. Update the information in the form as desired. Click the Save and Continue button. The information will be saved and you will return to the summary page (with the list of forms).

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Page last updated:  Wednesday, May 1, 2024 10:32 am