Aquatics Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is the age for free swim?
All ages are welcome. Any child under 12 years old must be accompanied by a person at least 13 years old or older. Infants and toddlers who are not potty trained must wear swimming diapers. The registration process must be complete.
2. Can I sign up my best friend or neighbor’s child?
As long as you have all correct information to enter into the on-line website registration form, a confirmation number printed and the child is brought to have there photo ID taken and is obtained, the child will be signed up. For safety reasons it is recommended that the legal parent/guardian is present.
3. Where do I call if there is an emergency and I need to reach my child?
Call the Aquatics Office at 787-6298
4. How do I find out about current programs being offered?
Advertising for all City programs is done through this website (, newspaper (Republican), and flyers to schools or local agencies. You can also call the Department of Parks, Buildings and Recreation Management Aquatics Division at (413) 787-6298.
5. How do I apply for a Lifeguarding or Bath Attendant job?
The first step is to fill out an employment application, which is posted on the City's website. Please correctly fill out all information as neatly as possible; remember that this is your first impression!
The application must be properly submitted on-line so it reaches the Personel Department. They will then forward the application to the Aquatics Director.
If the application is complete and the correct certifications have been obtained then the Aquatics Director will then call you for an interview.