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City of Springfield Office of Community Development Notice for Nonprofits of CDBG RFP’s

|   City News

The City of Springfield’s Office of Community Development invites proposals from nonprofit agencies for the use of Federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds for capital improvements to facilities that house services for low- and moderate-income households. Funds must be used for rehabilitation or construction for the purpose of preserving or expanding existing service capacity. The city is making available $250,000 from its annual entitlement and a maximum of $25,000 will be awarded per organization for successful proposals.

Mayor Domenic J. Sarno states, “This much-needed and vital CDBG funding for nonprofits to assist with their efforts of improving their physical structure and facility continues my Administrations commitment and efforts to enhancing and supporting our local nonprofit organizations while not taking away from their frontline and community services that are so desperately needed.  This initiative will allow our nonprofits, such as our community centers, to not have to burden their budgets and their bottom lines by making potential cuts to their core and key community services to make much-needed facility improvements.”   

The Request for Proposals (RFP’s) will be available beginning Friday, November 4, 2022 through Monday, December 5, 2022.  Proposals can be found at the following website:

The deadline for submission is Monday, December 5, 2022 at 12:00 pm.   Please note this is a firm deadline and that proposals will not be accepted after the deadline.

Interested parties are invited to attend a zoom technical assistance meeting on Friday, November 18, 2022 at 11:30 am

Questions regarding the RFP guidelines can be submitted in writing to no later than 4:00 pm on Monday, November 21, 2022.

Answers to all questions will be posted by 4:00 pm, November 22, 2022 at



Proposals must include information regarding the agency, the need for the project and its impact, the project concept and scope, accurate cost estimates, and other issues outlined in the RFP. Acceptable proposals are those that are received in a timely manner and contain all required components.  The selection process is expected to be completed by December 30, 2022 and funds will be made available in January, 2023.  The city of Springfield is seeking applications for projects that can be completed by June 30, 2023. 

Proposals must be consistent with the HUD Consolidated Plan, CDBG requirements, City Code, and other city policies. This RFP is an open, competitive process to award available resources based upon satisfaction of the described criteria. Submission of a proposal does not guarantee funding.  The city may choose not to allocate all available resources.  All applicants must be current on all Federal, State, and City taxes, as well as all City fees.

All potential applicants are encouraged to review the entire RFP before completing.

Funding will be available for capital improvement for local non-profit agencies or neighborhood organizations who own the building.  The proposed project must be necessary to increase or prevent the loss of service capacity.  Increased or preserved service capacity may be demonstrated based on the number of clients served, the extent, relevance or quality of the services provided, or specific populations served.

The facility must be located within the City of Springfield limits and serve Springfield residents.  Fifty-one (51%) or more of the clients served at the facility must have incomes below 80% of the Area Median Income.  Agency must maintain written documentation on unduplicated Springfield low-income clients (including income, race and ethnic data, disability status, and head of household status) and have ability to track information during the period of benefit for the project.

Projects are selected based on agency capacity and experience, need and importance of services provided and impact of the project relative to those services, project feasibility, and financial feasibility.

All organizations are encouraged to submit a completed RFP.  However, priority will be given to those agencies who have not received funding from prior rounds of funding for Rehabilitation of Buildings for Nonprofit Organizations Program.





All proposals will be reviewed and evaluated in three categories described below.

Exceptional: The proposal significantly exceeds the standards set forth in the criteria and shows significant innovation and benefit.

Acceptable:  The proposal meets the standards set forth in the criteria.

Needs Improvement:  The proposal does not meet the standards set forth in the criteria, and could or could not be modified to meet the standards.

  • Organizational Experience and Performance

Acceptable proposals must demonstrate that the agency has experience in serving the targeted population and demonstrate that their organization is financially viable for the application period of benefit.

  • Project Need and Importance

Who will be served by the project and why it is needed? How will the project impact persons with low and moderate incomes and what critical ongoing needs will be addressed through this project. Why is the project necessary to increase or prevent the loss of services to low- and moderate-income persons? Was the Agency funded in prior year?

  • Project Feasibility

Acceptable proposals must demonstrate that the designed project site is suitable for the services provided for the targeted population and the project can be completed in a timely manner. The applicant must have site control.

  • Financial Feasibility

Acceptable proposals must provide a sources and uses budget. Acceptable proposals must demonstrate that other resources necessary for the project are committed at the time of the application.  The proposal must include certified Davis Bacon wage rates at the time of the application.  Current wage rate determinations can be found at:

Page last updated:  Tuesday, March 1, 2022 01:32 pm