CDL Job Training Program
In response to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and related shutdowns, and the more recent shortage of transit drivers, the City of Springfield has partnered with the MassHire Hampden County Workforce Board, MassHire Springfield and the Tri-State CDL Training Center to offer FREE Commercial Driver's License (CDL) Job Training to income qualified Springfield residents. The City of Springfield is utilizing Community Development Block Grant - CARES Act (CDBG-CV) funding for the program.
Click here to view Mayor Sarno's press release
Click here to visit the MassHire website to view additional information
- Program Applicants must have a household income at or below 80% of Area Median Income. Click here to view Income Guildeines. Residents of Public Housing automatically meet income guidelines.
- Program applicants must be able to demonstrate residency within the City of Springfield.
- Program applicants must be unemployed, underemployed or eligible for SNAP benefits. "Underemployed" is defined as making minimum wage, working part-time, but with a preference for full-time work, or individuals who cannot get a job in a sector they have training.
- Have no prior DUI on your driving record
Residents that are interested in applying should contact Iliana Caez at 413-858-2845 / or Kate Smith at 413-532-4900 or via email at