CDBG Disaster Recovery (DR)
Community Development Block Grant - Disaster Reflief Program(CDBG-DR)
The City of Springfield has been awarded $21.8 Million Community Development Block Grant Disaster Relief funds (CDBG-DR) that will be used for disaster related relief, long-term recovery, restoration of infrastructure and housing and economic revitalization activities in the most impacted distressed areas of the City of Springfield resulting from multiple Presidentially Declared Disasters occurring in 2011 or 2012.
ARPA Funded Housing Repair Programs Application Period Closed
On May 27, 2022 the City of Springfield announced $5,000,000 in ARPA funding for the Exterior Repair Program and the Healthy Homes Program. Since that time, the volume of applications received for both programs has been high. In order for the Offices of Housing and Disaster Recovery to effectively process the applications filed to date with the available funding, both programs have stopped accepting new applications.
If you have submitted a complete application for the Exterior Repair/Healthy Homes Program, your application is being reviewed. Once the application review is completed you will be contacted regarding your application status. Applications are processed on a first-come, first-serve basis based on the date of submission. If either of these programs re-open for new applications, that information will be posted on this website.
Mayor Sarno Announces New ARPA Funded Housing Repair Programs
The City of Springfield has announced two new housing rehabilitation programs, funded by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). These programs will be jointly administered by the Office of Housing and the Office of Disaster Recovery.
Healthy Homes Program
The Healthy Homes Program provides funding for homeowners to rehabilitate their home and address health issues in housing, including lead paint and asthma triggers. The program is for residential properties with 1-4 units, and is available for income-eligible households in Qualified Census Tracts.
A full program description, including eligibility requirements and income limits, is available in the Healthy Homes Program Information Sheet.
You can find the NEW electronic application at Healthy Homes Program.
Exterior Home Repair Program
The Exterior Home Repair Program provides homeowners with up to $40,000 to fund exterior home repairs, including roofs, windows, porches, siding, and painting for residences with 1-4 units. The program is available for income-eligible households citywide.
A full program description, including eligibility requirements and income limits, is available in the Exterior Home Repair Information Sheet.
The application is online at Exterior Home Repair Program Application (
Mayor Sarno Announces Creation of the Neighborhood Recovery Fund with ARPA Funding
Mayor Domenic J. Sarno, Chief Development Officer (CDO) Tim Sheehan and Disaster Recovery and Compliance Director Tina Quagliato-Sullivan joined with members of the city’s neighborhood councils to announce the City of Springfield’s new American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Neighborhood Economic Recovery Fund.
The new $12 million Neighborhood Economic Recovery Fund continues the Sarno Administrations investment of the City’s allocation of ARPA funding within the community. The response to the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of the city’s neighborhoods as places to live, work and meet our daily needs. This fund has been developed to ensure that neighborhood businesses and institutions, which are at the core of neighborhood life have the resources to not simply recover from the impacts of the pandemic but to work together with the City towards ensuring our neighborhood centers and the surrounding area include sufficient housing choices, pedestrian and complete streets infrastructure, shopping and services, fresh food accessibility, health care, parks, office space, and have easy access to educational, community and cultural programming with a focus on disproportionately impacted communities. Mayor Sarno began meeting with the city’s neighborhood councils in August 2021 and continued these meetings through October, meeting with over 30 neighborhood councils and organizations to hear their thoughts and ideas on how the City of Springfield can best utilize the city’s local ARPA funding, development of this fund is a direct response to those meetings.
The Offices of Community Development and Disaster Recovery are releasing two applications for projects that will directly assist neighborhood economies and business districts in this recovery effort. Utilize this link to access applications or obtain more information about this program:
Applications must be submitted no later than June 15, 2022.
City Seeks Resident Input Regarding Re-Use of Former MCDI Site
The City of Springfield has completed the demolition of the former MCDI site at 140 Wilbraham Avenue and is asking residents to complete this survey regarding re-use of the property: The City is particularly seeking responses from residents of the Old Hill and Upper Hill neighborhoods.
The Massachusetts Career Development Institute closed in 2013 and the property was abandoned by the owner. In 2016, a devastating arson related fire occurred at the property. The fire was so intense it took over 40 hours to extinguish and damaged more than half of the building. The property was foreclosed by the City for the non-payment of taxes in 2019 and as the City was soliciting proposals for redevelopment of the non-damaged portion of the building, the property was the target of multiple arson fires, forcing complete demolition of the building. The demolition was completed in multiple phases. The first phase was completed by Vinagro Corp., out of Rhode Island and the second phase was completed by Associated Building Wreckers of Springfield at a total cost of $2,554,587.
City Seeks Development Proposals for Former Gemini Site in the South End
The City of Springfield is requesting redevelopment proposals for the site known as the Gemini Site (“the Property”). The Property is located in the South End neighborhood, consisting of fifteen (15) distinct parcels with a total area of 96,351 square feet and all are currently zoned Industrial A, with the exception of two parcels that are zoned Commercial P. However, the City has initiated the zone change process to re-zone all parcels Residence B1. The Property is approximately 2.2 acres; with a total assessed value (as of F Y20) is $423,100.
The specific parcel breakdown for the Property is as follows:
a) 08850 – 0019 3,788 SF Assessed Value $27,000
b) 08850 – 0018 3,165 SF Assessed Value $22,600
c) 08850 – 0016 4,652 SF Assessed Value $25,100
d) 08850 – 0013 3,885 SF Assessed Value $23,300
e) 08850 – 0046 37,036 SF Assessed Value $79,200
f) 08850 – 0038 4,803 SF Assessed Value $25,400
g) 08850 – 0037 4,036 SF Assessed Value $24,100
h) 08850 – 0036 4,037 SF Assessed Value $24,100
i) 08850 – 0035 2,319 SF Assessed Value $32,600
j) 02560 – 0019 3,937 SF Assessed Value $22,100
k) 02560 – 0017 5,740 SF Assessed Value $21,700
l) 02560 – 0015 5,632 SF Assessed Value $27,600
m) 02560 – 0013 5,442 SF Assessed Value $21,300
n) 02560 – 0010 4,015 SF Assessed Value $23,900
o) 02560 – 0009 3,864 SF Assessed Value $23,100
The City is seeking development teams who are willing to purchase and develop the site in accordance with the goals stated herein and in a way that complements and adds value to the community. The goals of the City in seeking redevelopment proposals for the site include, but are not limited to the following:
- Achieving a high-quality multi-family residential home ownership development that complements neighboring homes, existing assets, and enhances the surrounding community.
- Incorporating a marketing plan and capitalizing on existing homeownership incentives and financial products applicable to the neighborhood.
- Ensuring that sound market understanding and financial development principles are applied.
- Providing financial returns to the City including, but not limited to, proceeds of sales, incremental tax revenues, and secondary financial impacts.
- Offering opportunities for community input and participation.
- Creating opportunities for Minority- and Women-Owned Business Enterprises.
- Ensuring work opportunities for Springfield residents.
- Providing community and public space improvements and activities that enhance the project site and the community.
The City’s goal is to accept a project that will be compatible with the distinct existing residential character of the South End Neighborhood and enhances its economic stability. The City believes this goal is aligned with a project that advances an ownership multi-family housing development which is affordable to owners making between 80% - 120% of Springfield’s median income.
The Property is being offered for development subject to the process outlined within this RFP, and the City reserves the right to reject any or all redevelopment proposals for any reason. While all information furnished herein was gathered from sources deemed to be reliable, no representation or warranty is made as to the accuracy or completeness.
The South End neighborhood, the smallest of the city’s seventeen neighborhoods is located less than ½ mile south of the Central Business district. Although the section of the neighborhood where the property is located is mostly residential, there are also mixes of commercial uses. Particularly along the Main Street corridor, which is known throughout Western Mass for the South End’s neighborhood businesses and retailers, many of which were founded by its’ Italian immigrant population. The neighborhood has also been the recipient of significant investment over the past five years. Including the newly constructed $10.3 million South End Community Center, which is located next to the recently upgraded Emerson Wight Park. The newly opened $960 million MGM Springfield Casino and Hotel Complex is also located within the neighborhood. MGM Springfield includes multiple restaurant and bar options, a luxury hotel, and various entertainment options including a movie theatre, bowling alley and casino.
The former Gemini site is vacant land that is the former home of a 100,000 SF textile mill (owned by the Gemini Corporation) that was destroyed by a fire in 2003. The site consists of fifteen (15) vacant parcels that combined equal approximately 2.2 acres of land. The site is centrally located, with proximity access from both Interstate 91 and Interstate 291. The Mass Pike is also within a short driving distance. It is located within ¼ mile to the MGM Springfield Casino and Hotel complex and the South End Community Center.
Given the location of this parcel and its proximity to Springfield’s numerous assets, the City believes that this site offers a unique opportunity for redevelopment.
Developers interested in obtaining a copy of the RFP should contact Chief Procurement Officer, Lauren Stabilo by emailing or by phone at 413-787-6284.
City Seeks Consultant to Complete Microgrid Feasibility Study of City Hall Complex
The City of Springfield has received an Municipality Vulneability Prepardeness (MVP) grant from the Commonwalth of Massachusetts, Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs to complete a microgrid feasibility assessment of the City Hall Complex in downtown Springfield. The seeksa consultant to provide innovative solutions to decrease its’ GHG emissions and reduce its’ reliance on the grid.
Evaluation should include a review of the following City owned buildings for potential inclusion within the micro-grid:
• Springfield City Hall, 36 Court Street
• Springfield Symphony Hall, 34 Court Street
• City Hall Annex, 1600 E. Columbus Avenue
• Annex Control Building, NS Court Street, Parcel 12
• GAR Building, 68 Court Street
Site Visit
A Walk thru for the five properties will be held on December 18, 2020 at 9:30a.m starting at City Hall 36 Court Street, Springfield MA 01103. Any questions regarding site visit can be directed to City of Springfield Facilities Engineer and Sustainability Coordinator, Gerard Kiernan at (413)787-6238.
Separate, sealed written qualifications and price and non-price proposals are due no later than January 29, 2021 by 2:00 p.m. Any proposals received after this time and date will not be considered and will be returned unopened to the proposer. The submission must be identified with the caption “Micro-grid Feasibility Study for City Hall Complex”
Questions or requests for the solilcitation should be directed to: Lauren Stabilo 413-787-6284
City Withdrawing Technology Sector Workforce Training NOFA/RFP
The City of Springfield previously posted a NOFA/RFP for Technology Sector Workforce Training, but has withdrawn that solicitation for additional modifications. Please do not submit packages, as they City does not intend to make an award at this time.
City Seeks On-Call Project Manager Services for Home Rehab and Construction
The City of Springfield, acting through the Chief Procurement Officer of the City, issues this Request for Proposals (the “RFP”) to parties who have an interest in providing On-Call Home Rehabilitation and Construction Project Management Services for City rehabilitation and new construction projects funded by the Office of Community Development/Disaster Recovery. In connection with various projects the selected vendor will provide inspections, specifications, general advice and provide contractor oversight to the City during rehabilitation and new construction projects.
The Services will mainly include, but will not be limited to, the following activities:
- Providing home rehabilitation and new construction project management and consulting services to City staff as requested by the City of Springfield.
- Providing advice and/or recommendations on federal and state lead requirements, as requested by the City of Springfield.
- Review 3rd party lead inspections, risk assessments and cost estimates.
- Review weatherization reports provided by MassSave and Springfield Partners for Community Action.
- Correspond with 3rd party lead inspectors throughout the duration of the job, as necessary.
- Conduct inspections of prospective city funded home rehabilitation projects and de-leading projects.
- Conduct re-inspections of city funded rehabilitation and/or new construction projects as projects progress. Ensure work corresponds to specifications and is in compliance with local, state and federal regulations.
- Review and approval of contractor invoices, complete inspections to ensure work completion.
- Review contractor change order requests and ensure all change orders are necessary and proposed costs are reasonable.
- Prepare bid specifications to bring property to code enforcement compliance.
- Conduct site walk-throughs and site visits for prospective contractors/bidders.
- Provide independent cost estimates for rehabilitation and/or new construction projects.
- Review contractor bids, ensure cost reasonableness and correspond regarding any necessary adjustments.
- Correspond with city staff, homeowners and contractors on ongoing rehabilitation and new construction projects as necessary.
- Oversight of construction and rehabilitation projects. Including providing checklist of outstanding items needed for project completion and/or certify project completion.
- Review new construction specifications and plans.
This list of services is intended to serve as an example of services provided, but additional services, allowed by the Price Agreement may be requested. Proposals must be prepared in strict accordance with the instructions and requirements contained in this RFP and must be submitted to the City of Springfield, Office of Procurement, 36 Court Street - Room 307, Springfield, MA 01103 on or before 2:00 PM on September 23, 2020
To obtain a copy of the solicitation please contact
City Seeks Proposals CDBG-DR Historic Preservation Funds
In accordance with the MOA, the City of Springfield is making $175,000 dollars available in CDBG-DR funds for proposals from property owners and/or developers for “ready to proceed” historic renovation projects. Proposals are due to the Office of Procurement, 36 Court Street on September 29, 2020 at 2:00 p.m.
Through this initial solicitation, the City is seeking projects that meet the following criteria:
1. The property must be located within the Maple Hill, Ridgewood and/or Lower Maple Historic Districts (See Attachment – A)
2. Property owner must not have received duplicative benefits from another source/s (insurance, FEMA, SBA, etc) for the repairs applied for under this program.
3. City of Springfield and State property taxes, fees, fines and municipal liens must be current.
4. Mortgage payments must be current.
5. Funding may only be utilized for exterior repairs that address code enforcement violations and/or public health and safety concerns.
Applicants must be able to demonstrate site control for all proposed projects. Projects should be “ready to proceed” immediately or within thirty days of the award. All repairs funded under this Program must be completed and expenses paid out no later than December 30, 2021 All projects must meet the HUD Elimination of Slums and Blight, on a Spot Basis National Objective, therefore only exterior repairs that address code enforcement violations and/or public health and safety concerns will be eligible for funding under this program. For more information on HUD National Objective requirements you may visit the following website
The following is a list of exterior repairs that may be eligible:
• Painting and/or abatement of exterior lead paint
• Roof/Shingle Repair
• Chimney/Foundation Repair and Re-Pointing
• Porch Repair
• Window Repair and/or replacement
Below is a list of potentially ineligible activities:
• Installation of Vinyl/Aluminum Siding
• Installation of Replacement Vinyl Windows/Doors
• Landscaping/Driveway/Hardscapes
CDBG-DR Funding and Payment Method
The City is making available a maximum amount of $175,000 in Community Development Block Grant – Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) funds towards “ready to proceed”, eligible historic renovation project. CDBG-DR funds awarded under this Program should be spent no later than December 2021 and all spending should be in accordance with the following:
• Springfield’s CDBG-DR Action Plan (
• HUD Guidance in the March 5, 2013 Federal Register (FR-5696-N-01) (
• The Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, 42 USC 5301-5321.
Award of funding will be at the sole discretion of the City of Springfield. In order to be awarded funds, proposers must have demonstrated ability to comply with CDBG-DR requirements and must have a successful track record utilizing comparable federal funds and complying with comparable federal regulations.
All projects must meet the HUD Elimination of Slums and Blight (Spot) National Objective, therefore only exterior repairs that address code enforcement violations and/or public health and safety concerns will be eligible for funding under this program.
Those interested in obtaining additional information regarding this solicitation should visit the Office of Procurement website. To obtain a copy of this solicitation, proposers should email
City of Springfield Public Access and COVID-19
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic and per order of Mayor Domenic Sarno, City buildings are re-opened to the public by advance appointment only. All City Departments will have modified staffing levels and will continue to provide essential services.
To reach members of the Office of Disaster Recovery to schedule an appointment you may utilize the following contact information:
- Tina Quagliato Sullivan, Director of Disaster Recovery / Phone: 413-750-2114 / Email:
- Sean Pham, Senior Project Manager / Phone: 413-784-4883 / Email:
- Michael Goonan, Financial Analyst / Phone: 413-784-4882 / Email:
Documents and/or invoices my be emailed to email addresses above or mailed through the postal service to our office at City of Springfield, Office of Disaster Recovery, 1600 East Columbus Avenue, 2nd Floor, Springfield, MA 01103.
Thank you for your cooperation. Please stay safe.
City Urges Homeowners to Apply for Healthy Homes Program
The City continues to urge homeowners in the Maple-High/Six Corners and Memorial Square Neighborhoods to apply for the Healthy Homes Program. Homeowner's with questions or who believe they are eligible should contact Veronica Diaz at the City of Springfield, Office of Housing (413)787-6500 or click here to visit the Healthy Homes webpage.
Click here to view article from The Republican/Masslive detailing the program
City Releases Funding and Seeks Developers for New Construction Projects
The City of Springfield is making up to $800,000 in CDBG-DR funds available for developers to submit proposals to construct three new single-family homes on City owned lots along the Central Street Corridor and create homeownership opportunities to low/moderate income buyers that are within 80% of Area Median Income. The City is offering the following tax foreclosed properties for sale:
- NS Central Street (02560-0080) f/k/a 414 Central Street
- Approximate lot square footage totaling 11,775 square feet with approximately 81.9 ft. of frontage along Central Street.
- Minimum Bid is $1,000.00
- 251 Central Street (02560-0189) & 257 Central Street (02560-0187)
- The City is offering these two properties as a package for redevelopment of one single family home. The City has recorded an ANR plan at the Hampden County Registry of Deeds in Book 386, Page 101 to combine the properties into one parcel and remove the dividing lot line (ANR Plan included in the RFP).
- Approximate lot square footage totaling 16,477 square feet with approximately 81.44 ft. of frontage along Central Street.
- These lots are located within the Maple Hill local historic district. New construction design should take local historic district requirements into consideration and all plans will need to be reviewed and approved by the Springfield Historic Commission.
- Minimum Bid is $1,500.00
- NS Central Street (02560-0076) & ES Spruce Street (11060-0013)
- The City is offering these two vacant lots as a package for redevelopment of one single family home. The City has recorded an ANR plan at the Hampden County Registry of Deeds in Book 386, Page 102 to combine the properties into one parcel and remove the dividing lot line (ANR Plan included in the RFP).
- Approximate lot square footage totaling 7,994 square feet with approximately 50 ft. of frontage along Central Street.
- Minimum Bid is $500.00
The City is seekin developers that will create high quality, newly constructed single family homes on each proposed site. Proposals should include home re-sale to income qualified buyers who are within 80% of Area Median Income (AMI).All new construction and expenditure of funds must be completed no later than December 31, 2020. Due to anticipated new road installation on Central Street public utilities must be installed and/or stubbed in no later than June 30, 2020.
Developers may submit proposals for development of one project or multiple projects. The City reserves the right to award preferred developer status to one and/or multiple developers.
Interested purchasers may obtain a copy of the RFP/NOFA from the Office of Procurement, City Hall, 36 Court Street, Room or by contacting Lauren Stabilo at 413-787-6290 or emailing
City Announces Workforce Training Program
The City of Springfield is utilizing CDBG-NDR funding to partner with MassHire Hampden County Workforce Board (MHHCWB) to co-sponsor a construction training course for unemployed individuals as part of the City’s Healthy Homes Program. The course is free of charge and will amount to 190 hours of classroom and “hands-on” shop training. The early evening training begins in September 2019 and ends in December 2019.
The primary focus of the training will be Construction skills and property maintenance, but it will introduce concepts of de-leading, mold abatement, energy efficiency, and worksite safety. Upon completion of the course, workers will be more competitive for positions on construction crews, as a carpenter’s’ helpers, or in property maintenance. Participants will also be trained as certified lead-safe workers and EPA/Mass Lead Renovation, Repair and Painting workers through the modules led by ATC Group Services of West Springfield.
Participants must reside in eligible neighborhoods within the City of Springfield, including Brightwood, Old Hill, Upper Hill, Six Corners, Memorial Square, Metro Center, South End, and portions of Liberty Heights and Forest Park. Instruction will take place at Putnam High School during the after-school hours from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m.
Individuals who are interested may contact Lesley Hoffman at or (413) 858-2819. Masshire Springfield is located at 1 Federal Street, Building 103-3, Springfield, MA 01105.
Recruitment for Construction Skills Training Program Underway
Recruitment for the Regional Employment Board's CDBG-NDR funded Construction Skills Training Program is currently underway. The session will begin at the end of February 2018.
In order to be eligible for the training you must meet the following criteria:
- Unemployed or Underemployed
- High School Diploma or equivalency
- Legally able to work in the U.S.
- Reside within one of the eligible Springfield neighborhoods (Brightwood, Memorial Square, Metro Center, Old Hill, Six Corners, South End, Upper Hill or portions of Forest Park and Liberty Heights)
- Assessment testing is part of the process
Interested applicants should contact (413) 858-2800. Click here to view informational flyer.
CDBG-NDR Healthy Homes Construction Skills Training Program Launches
The Regional Employment Board has launched the Construction Skills Training program. The program is being held at Putnam Vocation School and is in partnership with the City of Springfield, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and is being funded through the National Disaster Resilience Competition.
The training will give income qualified Springfield residents, enrolled in the training a variety of construction skills education that will allow them to obtain employment in the construction trades.
CDBG-NDR Funded IT Job Training Program Underway
The City has partnered with Tech Foundry to provide an IT Job Training program to income qualified, Springfield residents of the Urban Watershed District. The program partners with area employers to train students for positions in the local area. Two full sessions have been completed and the third session is currently underway.
Interested participants should contact Tech Foundry at or (413)276-0609 ext.101
Mayor Sarno Launches Strong, Healthy, and Just Climate Action and Resilience Plan: City Partners with 'ener-G-save' to Encourage Residents to Improve Energy Efficiency
Mayor Domenic J. Sarno, the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission, Partners for a Healthier Community, and the Harold Grinspoon Foundation announce the City’s launch of its ambitious Strong, Healthy, and Just Climate Action and Resilience Plan, and its partnership with the ‘ener-G-save’ initiative to urge homeowners to take advantage of free home energy audits, incentives and financial assistance to make their homes more energy-efficient. The announcement will take place on Wednesday, September 6, 2017 at 2:15 in City Hall, Room 220.
Mayor Sarno stated, “Implementing the Strong, Healthy Just Climate Action & Resilience Plan is going to take all of us working together. All of our city departments will be involved and there will be ways to contribute to the effort across the sectors of our community, as well as residents. We can do this if we do it together. This is not only good for our environment, but also to the City’s and homeowners’ bottom line too.”
Funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s disaster resilience grant to the City, the recently-completed Climate Action and Resilience Plan provides the blueprint for the City of Springfield to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 80% by 2050 and to enhance the City’s overall resilience. City government has already substantially reduced municipal energy use; has been certified in the first round of Massachusetts Green Communities; and has advanced policy like the Complete Streets Resolution, which prioritizes safe walking and biking. The City will use the Plan’s guidance to take its next steps toward further resilience.
Meeting the ambitious goal of an 80% reduction will require government, business and residents to work together. During the launch, we are pointing out that residential buildings make up just under a third of Springfield’s overall greenhouse gas emissions--384,105 metric tons of CO2e—so homeowners have an important role in learning about and addressing energy efficiency in their homes.
Springfield is excited to have ‘ener-G-save’ as an implementation partner to help with the issue of home energy efficiency. Springfield is one of ten cities and towns chosen to participate in this project supported by Harold Grinspoon Charitable Foundation Energy LLC. This past winter, thermal images were taken of over 6,500 single family homes in Springfield, and these images are being mailed to homeowners this week to indicate places in the home where heat is leaking out of walls and roofs, and where money and energy are being wasted. Be sure to watch your mail for a white window envelope from ‘ener-G-save’ in the next week or so to see if YOU will receive the image.
Whether or not you get one of these reports, you can be an early adopter in your home. The Mayor's Office urges all homeowners to call the hotline (413)-279-9141 or sign up at the web link here: and line up a free energy audit that will help you learn how to make your home healthier and more comfortable, all while saving money and energy. Whatever your income, you will be directed to services that will help you learn what financial assistance is available to you, what can be done for free, and who can help you do the work. One contact with ‘ener-G-save’ and you'll be on your way to helping the Climate Action and Resilience Plan get off to a running start by increasing our energy efficiency as a City.
Springfield will be tracking our progress toward meeting our goals on a new website:, where you can see details about the actions City departments are implementing and what steps you can take as residents and business owners.
City Launches CDBG-NDR Funded Healthy Homes Program
The City of Springfield has launched a new Healthy Homes Program (HHP) funded by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development with National Disaster Resilience Competition funds (CDBG-NDR).
The program makes federal housing rehabilitation funds available to owners of 1-4 unit residential properties in the Memorial Square and Six Corners neighborhoods. The program is available for both owner-occupied and rental units. HHP provides funds for home rehabilitation, abatement of lead, removal of asthma triggers, and improvement of energy efficiency. It is an integrated, whole-house approach that produces sustainable, green, healthy and safe homes.
For additional information visit the website or contact the Office of Housing at (413)787-6500.
City Releases DRAFT Climate Action and Resilience Plan for Public Comment
HUD has provided CDBG-NDR funding to allow for the City of Springfield and the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission to partner on the creation of a Climate Action and Resilience Plan (CARP) in order to make Springfield more resilient in the face of more frequent and severe weather events. This document is being posted for public review through June 29, 2017. Comments regarding the Climate Action and Resilience Plan may be submitted to through June 29, 2017. To view the document, please click here.
Construction Continues to Progress on Baystate Medical Center Co-Generation Plant
The City has a goal to reduce its' overall energy use and carbon footprint over the next four years. The City realizes that reaching this goal is only by possible by encouraging institutional resilience in its' businesses and especially in large anchor institutions like Baystate. As a result of this, the City of Springfield, Baystate Medical Center, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources and HUD have teamed up to fund the construction of a Combined Heating and Power Co-generation (CHP) facility on the Baystate Medical Center Campus.
The installation of the CHP Plant will allow Baystate Medical Center to operate for a minimum of thirty (30) days uninterrupted during a utility crisis. The new CHP plant will produce 80% of Baystate Health's annual energy consumption. The CHP Plant will produce 68% of the electricity and 97% of the steam utilized at Baystate. The project will reduce annual utility costs by a minimum of $1.45 million dollars and will provide an annual reduction of greenhouse gasses by 13,513 tons.
Construction of the CHP is underway and progress is being made steadily. The City and Baystate anticipate having the CHP fully commissioned by early 2018.
City and PVPC Host Climate Change and Resilience Stakeholder Workshop
On May 12, 2017, the City and the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission hosted a stakeholder engagement workshop at the La Quinta Hotel in downtown Springfield. This workshop was one of several sessions held as part of the development of the Climate Action & Resilience Plan.
The workshop included representatives of various City Departments including Housing, DPW, Disaster Recovery, Planning, Economic Development, Health and Human Services, Parks and Facilities Management. The workshop was also attended by representatives of the Springfield Water and Sewer Commission, Eversource, DevelopSpringfield, Springfield Climate Justice Coalition, Regreen Springfield, Partners for a Healthier Community and PVTA.
City Releases Substantial Amendment #3 to Partial Action Plan A
Below is a link to review Substantial Amendment #3 to the City's CDBG-DR Partial Action Plan A.
Click here to view Partial Action Plan A - Substantial Amendment #3
If you would like more information on the Action Plan A - Substantial Amendment #3 please contact Julisa Davila-Ramos by calling 413-886-5197 or by email at
Para informacion adicional sobre el Plan de Acción Parcial A – Enmienda Sustancial favor de ponserse en contacto con Julisa Davila-Ramos al 413-886-5197 o por correco electronico al
Public Climate Action and Resilience Meetings Held
The City has partnered with the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission to create the Springfield Climate Action and Resilience Plan (CARP). As part of the public input process the City and PVPC held multiple public sessions throughout the City to solicit public input and feedback for the plan.
You can view photos from the Mason Square Session.
For more information regarding the Climate Action and Resilience Plan or on the public sessions you may contact Catherine Ratte at the Pioneer Valley Planning Commission at 413-285-1174 or email
Springfield Climate Action and Resilience Plan Public Meetings Scheduled
The City of Springfield, in partnership with Pioneer Valley Planning Commission, Arise Springfield and Partners for a Healthier Community, have announced a schedule of public meetings regarding the Springfield Climate Action and Resilience Plan. Please click here to view the flier. To view the flier in Spanish please click here.
Combined Notice of Finding of No Significant Impact and Notice of Intent to Request Releases of Funds
Below is link to review the Combined Notice of Finding of No Significant Impact and Notice of Intent to Request Releases of Funds.
City Releases Substantial Amendment #2 to Partial Action Plan A.
Below is a link to review Substantial Amendment #2 to the City's CDBG-DR Partial Action Plan A.
Click here to view Partial Action Plan A - Substantial Amendment #2
Please contact the Office of Disaster Recovery and Compliance at 413-750-2114 or TTY 787-6641 for additional information.
City Releases Substantial Amendment #1 to Partial Action Plan A
Below are links to review Substantial Amendment #1 to the City's CDBG-DR Partial Action Plan A.
Click here to view Partial Action Plan A - Substantial Amendment #1
Clic Aqui para ver la Enmienda #1 al Plan de Accion Parcial A
Questions regarding this amendment may be directed to the Office of Disaster Recovery & Compliance at 413-750-2114 or
Officials Tour Springfield on Anniversary of Tornado
Congressman Neal and HUD officials joined Mayor Sarno and City officials on a tour of the tornado damaged areas on the fourth anniversary of the June 1, 2011 tornado.
City Updates CDBG-DR Policies and Procedures Manual
In response to guidance from HUD the City has updated the CDBG-DR Policies and Procedures Manual. To view a copy of this manual you may click here.
Combined - Notice of Finding of No Significant Impact and Request for Release of Funds
On or about September, 1 2014 the City of Springfield will submit a request to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for the release of Community Development Disaster Recovery Program (CDBG-DR) with Federal assistance under the Disaster Relief Appropriations Act of 2013 (Public Law 113-2, approved January 29, 2013) funding, for the following projects:
PROJECT #1: Magazine Commons
PROJECT SUMMARY: Federal funds will be used for predevelopment and/or gap funding to developers of replacement multifamily affordable housing. Magazine Commons will replace the Mental Health Association?s former Union Street apartments with a newly developed complex on Magazine Street as a result of damages incurred from the June 1, 2011 tornado.
ESTIMATED COST: $4,996,016.00
All projects will take place in the City of Springfield, Hampden County, Massachusetts.
There was no determination of Categorical Exclusion and therefore an Environmental Assessment (EA) has been completed.
The City of Springfield has determined that the Magazine Commons Project will have No Significant Impact on the human environment. Therefore, an Environmental Impact Statement under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1996 (NEPA) is not required. Additional project information is contained in the Environmental Review Record (ERR) on file at the Office of Disaster Recovery and Compliance located at the address above and may be examined or copied weekdays from 8:15AM to 4:30PM.
Any individual, group, or agency may submit written comments on the ERR to the Office of Planning & Economic Development at 70 Tapley Street, Springfield, MA 01104. The City of Springfield will consider all comments received on or before August 31, 2014 prior to authorizing submission of requests for release of funds.
The City of Springfield certifies to HUD that Domenic J. Sarno, in his capacity as Mayor, consents to accept the jurisdiction of the Federal Courts if an action is brought to enforce responsibilities in relation to the environmental review process and that these responsibilities have been satisfied. HUD's approval of the certification satisfies its responsibilities under NEPA and related laws and authorities and allows the activities listed above to use Program funds.
HUD will accept objections to its release of funds and the City of Springfield?s certification for a period of fifteen (15) days following the anticipated submission date or its actual receipt of the request (whichever is later) only if they are on one of the following bases:
- (a) the certification was not executed by the Certifying Officer of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts;
- (b) the RE has omitted a step or failed to make a decision or finding required by HUD regulations at 24 CFR Part 58;
- (c) the grant recipient has committed funds or incurred costs not authorized by 24 CFR Part 58 before approval of a release of funds by HUD/State; or
- (d) another Federal agency acting pursuant to 40 CFR Part 1504 has submitted a written finding that the project is unsatisfactory from the standpoint of environmental quality.
Objections must be prepared and submitted in accordance with the required procedures (24 CFR Part 58) and shall be addressed to U.S. Department of HUD, Office of Community Planning and Development, Thomas P. O?Neil Jr. Federal Building, 10 Causeway Street, Boston MA 02222. Potential objectors should contact HUD to verify the actual last day of the objection period.
CDBG-DR Performance and Expenditure Projections
The City of Springfield is making available for public viewing the Performance and Expenditure projections under approved Partial Action Plan A. Click this link to view this document in its entirety.
Downloadable Documents
Documents for Public Comment:
Community Development Block Grant - Disaster Recovery - Partial Action Plan A - English
Subvencion En Bloque Para El Desarrollo Comunitario Recuperacion Ante Desastres - Plan A De Accion Parcial - Espanol
Community Development Block Grant - Disaster Recovery - Citizen Participation Plan - English
Subvencion En Bloque Para El Desarrollo Comunitario Recuperacion Ante Desastres - Plan De Participacion Ciudadana - Espanol
CDBG Disaster Recovery (DR)
The City of Springfield has been awarded $21.8 Million Community Development Block Grant Disaster Relief funds (CDBG-DR) that will be used for disaster related relief, long-term recovery, restoration of infrastructure and housing and economic revitalization activities in the most impacted distressed areas of the City of Springfield resulting from multiple Presidentially Declared Disasters occurring in 2011 or 2012.
The City will hold three community planning meetings to obtain input from residents about the needs and priorities of the most impacted distressed areas and see how these funds should be allocated for disaster related relief resulting from multiple Presidentially Declared Disasters of 2011 and 2012.
Meetings were held on Wednesday, July 10th and Wednesday, July 17th at the JC Williams Community Center located at 116 Florence Street; Thursday, July 11th at the Italian Cultural Center located at 56 Margaret Street. All meetings were open to the public and addressed the following three major initiatives:
Infrastructure - roads, sidewalks, public buildings, schools and parks (Wednesday, July 10th)
Economic Revitalization - job training and small business assistance (Thursday, July 11th)
Housing and Revitalization of Neighborhoods - (Wednesday, July 17th)
For additional information or need further assistance please contact the Office of Community Development (OCD) at 413-750-2241. If you were unable to attend and would like to submit a comment, please use the form below.