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Mayor Sarno Congratulates Springfield’s Own and National Award-winning Recording Artist Michelle Brooks-Thompson on being asked to sing our National Anthem for the 127th Boston Marathon
Mayor Domenic J. Sarno congratulates Springfield’s own and national award-winning recording artist Michelle Brooks-Thompson on been asked by the Boston Athletic Association to sing our National Anthem…
Mayor Sarno Offers Passover Greetings
Mayor Domenic J. Sarno offers our Jewish Community a Passover greeting.
Mayor Sarno states, “As we move into Holy week, I want to wish our Jewish Community continued good health and a Happy Passover.…
Mayor Sarno Joins with Students at HCS Head Start for Special Read Aloud
Mayor Domenic J. Sarno was thrilled to join with the students and staff at HCS Head Start’s Mason Square Center for a special read aloud and to celebrate the ‘Week of the Young Child’ with a mayoral…
Springfield Police Department Reminds Drivers of Hands-Free Law, Urges Safe Driving Practices during Distracted Driving Awareness Month
In recognition of Distracted Driving Awareness Month, Police Superintendent Cheryl Clapprood on behalf of the Springfield Police Department is reminding drivers of the Massachusetts Hands-Free Law as…
Springfield Police Department Schedules Prescription Drug Takeback Day
The Springfield Police Department announced today that they will be accepting old or unused prescription drugs as part of the DEA National Prescription Drug Takeback Day on Saturday, April 22, 2023. …
Letters of Interest being Accepted for Board of Police Commissioners
Mayor Domenic J. Sarno announced today that he will be accepting letters of interest from residents interested in serving on the Board of Police Commissioners. Commissioner Madeline Fernandez’s term…
Mayor Sarno and HHS Commissioner Caulton-Harris Hold 26th Annual Public Health Month
Mayor Domenic J. Sarno and Health and Human Services (HHS) Commissioner Helen Caulton-Harris held the City of Springfield’s 26th Annual Public Health Month with a special event today at City Hall. …
Springfield Celebrates National Paraprofessional Appreciation Week April 3rd – 7th
Mayor Domenic Sarno and Superintendent of Schools Daniel Warwick join the nation this week in celebration of Paraprofessionals Appreciation Day, which is Wednesday, April 5th. Sarno has acclaimed the…
Mayor Sarno, Congressman Neal and Springfield Veterans’ Activities Committee Observe Vietnam Veterans’ Day
Mayor Domenic J. Sarno, Congressman Richard E. Neal, Director of Veteran Services Tom Belton and Deputy Director of Veteran Services Joe DeCaro joined with the Springfield Veterans’ Activities…
Mayor Sarno Announces 2024-2028 Capital Improvement Plan – Highlights Completed Projects –
Mayor Domenic J. Sarno and Chief Administrative and Financial Officer (CAFO) Timothy Plante announced today, as part of the Sarno Administration’s continuing efforts to develop robust long-term…
Mayor Sarno and CDO Sheehan Announce new Outdoor Dining Program
Mayor Domenic J. Sarno and Chief Development Officer Tim Sheehan joined with Deputy Director of Economic Development Brian Connors, City Councilor Maria Perez, and local chef and restauranter Nadim…
Mayor Sarno Grateful for Senator Markey’s Collaboration at the “X” Intersection
Mayor Domenic J. Sarno Sarno states, “I am grateful for the support and collaboration from our U.S. Sen. Edward Markey as we work to improve the safety, efficiency, and accessibility of roads.…
Mayor Sarno Concludes FY24 Budget Hearings
Mayor Domenic J. Sarno, Chief Administrative and Financial Officer (CAFO) TJ Plante, Deputy CAFO Lindsay Hackett, and Chief of Staff Tom Ashe continued Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 budget hearings today with…
Mayor Sarno and Link to Libraries Help Milton Bradley Elementary School Students Get Ready for MCAS Testing
Mayor Domenic J. Sarno visited with the students at Milton Bradley Elementary School today to read a book to students as part of the Link to Libraries program and help get students ready to “show what…
Mayor Sarno Thanks Doctors on National Doctor’s Day
Mayor Sarno states, “We recognize and thank doctors for their commitment to the safety and wellbeing of our communities. Doctor’s play an integral role in our city’s public health and we are grateful…
Mayor Sarno Meets Patricia Samra, MassHire’s Newly Elected Hampden County Workforce Board Chair
Mayor Domenic J. Sarno welcomed the recently elected MassHire Hampden County Workforce Board Chair Ms. Patricia Samra to City Hall today along with MassHire President and CEO David Cruise and MassHire…
Mayor Sarno Joined Kenny Lumpkin and Team for Grand Opening of New ‘All American’ Sports Bar, Grill & Patio on Dwight Street
Mayor Domenic J. Sarno joined this afternoon with restaurant owner Kenny Lumpkin, partner Dr. Mark Markarian, and their team for the grand opening and ribbon cutting ceremony for the new All American…
Mayor Sarno Applauds Springfield Police Officers for their efforts to Identify and Stop Major Illegal Dumping of Tires – 500 Tires Illegally Dumped by Suspect –
Mayor Domenic J. Sarno applauds the Springfield Police Department (SPD) for their efforts in investigating a series of illegal dumping of tires across the city. The two-week investigation began on…
Mayor Sarno Completes Day 3 of FY24 Budget Hearings
Mayor Domenic J. Sarno, Chief Administrative and Financial Officer (CAFO) TJ Plante, Deputy CAFO Lindsay Hackett, and Chief of Staff Tom Ashe continued Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 budget hearings today with…
Mayor Sarno Continues FY24 Budget Hearings
Mayor Domenic J. Sarno, Chief Administrative and Financial Officer (CAFO) TJ Plante, Deputy CAFO Lindsay Hackett, and Chief of Staff Tom Ashe continued Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 budget hearings today with…