Mayor Domenic J. Sarno and State Representative Bud Williams will join with Police Superintendent Larry Akers, city and state officials, the Springfield Black Coalition, The Peter Brace Brigade, and the community to celebrate Black American Heritage and raise the Black American Heritage Flag at City Hall on Saturday, February 1, 2025 at 10:00 a.m.
The ceremony will take place at City Hall, beginning in Room 220, then the ceremony will process outside to the front steps to raise the flag.
This year marks the 39th annual Ruth B. Loving Black American Heritage flag raising in the city. Mayor Sarno will issue a proclamation declaring February as “Black History Month” in the City of Springfield and the event will feature guest speakers, the Songstress of Springfield Vanessa Ford, a keynote address from Rev. Taylon Lancaster of Third Baptist Church, a presentation of the prestigious Ruth B. Loving Civil Rights Award to long-time Civil Rights advocate and member of the Board of Police Commissioners Robert C. Jackson, and will culminate with the raising of the African American Heritage flag on the front steps of City Hall.
Mayor Sarno states, “The City of Springfield is proud to host our 39th Annual Black American Heritage Flag raising ceremony as we celebrate the rich diversity and mosaic that is our Springfield community. We will also continue to honor the legacy of our local civil rights icon, Ruth B. Loving, through the presentation of an award named in her honor to a member of our greater Springfield community that strives to enhance and move our community forward with respect and equity for all. I am proud to congratulate my friend and beloved and well-respected community leader, especially in our African-American community, Robert C. Jackson on being selected this year for this honor. Commissioner Jackson – ‘Cee,’ is a passionate activist, hardworking businessman, and a generous philanthropist who cares deeply for our Springfield community. Thank you, Cee, for your continued contributions to the well-being of our Springfield. Good health and God Bless.”