Springfield, MA- Mayor Domenic J. Sarno, Health and Human Services Commissioner Helen Caulton and Parks, Buildings, & Recreation Management Executive Director Thomas Ashe and Springfield Lodge of Elks #61 Representatives Gary Delisle, Jeff Barbeau, Mike Fitzgerald and Team joined together at Veterans Golf Course to announce Adaptive Golf Carts coming to Springfield’s Municipal Golf Courses.
Mayor Sarno, Commissioner Caulton Harris, and PBRM Executive Director Ashe announced that the Adaptive Golf Carts will become available at the city’s municipal golf courses so golfers with documented physical disabilities can enjoy the game in a safe, accessible way.
Mayor Sarno states, “I am so thankful to PBRM Executive Director Ashe, HHS Commissioner Caulton Harris, the Commission of Disabilities and my brother and sister Elks for their collaboration on this inclusive project for the City of Springfield’s beautiful golf courses. Once the adaptive golf carts are in, we are looking forward to seeing Mike Foster, a former brave and dedicated police officer, demonstrate how to use the adaptive cart.”
Mike’s words were so heartfelt, for as he stated, he not only advocated for this initiative for himself, but more importantly for those young and old, who can take advantage and enjoy this accessibility to the game of golf.
Mayor Sarno states, “I believe we are the first in Western Massachusetts to do this and possibly one of the few who have done it in the state and country. Hopefully other golf courses will follow our lead.”