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Mayor Sarno joined with Hungry Hill Golden Agers for 4th of July BBQ Celebration

|   City News

Mayor Domenic J. Sarno, Health and Human Services Commissioner Helen Caulton-Harris and Chief of Staff Bill Baker joined with the Hungry Hill Golden Age Club, and Hungry Hill Senior Center Coordinator Linda Henley at the Hungry Hill Senior Center on Liberty Street on Friday for the Hungry Hill Golden Age Club 4th of July BBQ Celebration.

Mayor Sarno states, “I always look forward to joining with our seniors at the Hungry Hill Senior Center.  Coordinator Linda Henley does such a wonderful job at the Senior Center and the seniors in our Hungry Hill neighborhood are always so very welcoming.  It was a beautiful 4th of July BBQ celebration with delicious food and tasty treats.  I want to thank Commissioner Helen Caulton-Harris for everything that she does for our City, especially our neighborhood senior centers which play such a pivotal and vital role in our community.  On behalf of the City of Springfield, wishing everyone a happy, healthy and safe 4th of July holiday!"  

Page last updated:  Tuesday, March 1, 2022 01:32 pm