Mayor Sarno states, “I always enjoy visiting with our Springfield Garden Club and celebrating the many positive accomplishments we have done throughout our beautiful parks system, especially for our historic and iconic Forest Park. Patrick Sullivan and his dedicated team do a wonderful job maintaining and enhance our beautiful neighborhood parks, which is the envy of other communities. Thank you to the wonderful team at our Springfield Garden Club for holding your holiday luncheon event here at our beautiful and historic Carriage House. The Club does such a wonderful job in our community, helping to stimulate the promotion of civic beauty through horticulture and conservation. We are looking forward to holding many more events to showcase the wonderful floral exhibits that highlight the many different activities and passive recreational areas in our neighborhood parks.”
In the News
Mayor Sarno and PBRM Director Sullivan stop by to Visit the Springfield Garden Club
City News
Mayor Domenic J. Sarno and Patrick Sullivan, Executive Director of Parks, Buildings and Recreational Management (PBRM), stopped by the Carriage House at Barney Estates to visit with the Springfield Garden Club during their holiday luncheon event and thanked the Club for their continued belief and investment in our Springfield.