“Yesterday, December 7, 1941 — a date which will live in infamy — the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by the naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan,” President Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Mayor Sarno states, “On the 82nd anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor – we pause and remember those who lost their lives. May God rest their souls. God Bless all of our service men and women and God Bless the United States of America.”
Director Belton stated, “A day of infamy, the day the Empire of Japan attacked the United States at Pearl Harbor, is commemorated with the National Pearl Harbor Day of Remembrance each year on December 7.
On that day in 1941, more than 2,400 people died in Japan’s attack on the Hawaiian base of America’s Pacific Fleet. Hundreds of aircraft were destroyed or damaged, as were most of the ships in the harbor, and thousands of service men and women were killed or injured. It was an unprecedented surprise attack that precipitated the United States entry into WWII as we sided with the Allies and declared war on Japan.
The life you are living today would be impossible without the sacrifices of December 7, and of all the wars this country has been in. Honor the memory of those lost by living the best life you can, and work to make life better for those coming after you.
This is a good time to think of the hardships and ordeals endured by our service men and women every day and everywhere in the world. The United States is in a position of being the policemen of the world, with hundreds of thousands of service men and women deployed in the protection of our country and people everywhere. Remember them in your actions and your prayers.”