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Mayor Sarno joined with WNEU President Johnson to visit with Engineering Students and Baja Racing Team

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Mayor Domenic J. Sarno joined with Western New England University (WNEU) President Robert Johnson for a special visit with engineering students and the Baja racing teaming today at the WNEU College of Engineering. The students showcased their creation, an off-road vehicle, which is scheduled to compete in the annual Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) Baja competition in the Spring of 2024. The engineering students had to create a marketing and finance plan while also building the off-road vehicle that can run the test course before it’s ready for competition.

Mayor Sarno states, “What a tremendous job the engineering students at WNEU have done building this off-road vehicle.  President Johnson has already taken it for a test drive and proudly stated what a wonderful job the students have done.  This real-world experience is wonderful and is proof that WNEU engineering students have a 100% placement rate upon graduation.  This team building work also allows the students to learn and experience the full business model from marketing, financing, testing, production and operation.  I am looking forward to seeing their final product and will be cheering them on as they take their home-built off-road vehicle to the Baja competitions in Pennsylvania in May 2024.”

Any interesting in supporting and donating to the WNEU Golden Bear Racing Team can do so by giving at:

Donations can also be mailed to the address below.  Checks can be made payable to ‘Western New England University’ with ‘WNE Golden Bear Racing Crowdfunding Campaign’ written in the memo line.

Western New England University

Advancement Division

1215 Wilbraham Road

Springfield, Massachusetts 01119


Mayor Sarno continued his visit with the students from WNEU College of Engineering and stopped by the see the students bridge building project too.  The bridge building project tested students with building a bridge that could be built and assembled over a body of water.  Sections of the bridge would have to be transported and pre-connected on site where students would be able to secure it together without access to the middle section of the bridge as that would be the section of the bridge over water.


Page last updated:  Tuesday, March 1, 2022 01:32 pm