The $25 million Backwash facility, which represents Phase 1 construction of the new West Parish Water Treatment Plant. Their tour and remarks were followed by a public open house where visitors could learn about the past, present, and future of drinking water treatment for the Springfield region.
The brand-new, state-of-the-art Backwash Facility replaces existing infrastructure at West Parish dating from 1925 and 1974 with more modern, efficient, and reliable equipment. Construction began in 2021, and the facility is expected to be online in November 2023.
Also in attendance for the remarks and tour of the Backwash Facility were members of the Board of Commissioners for the Springfield Water and Sewer Commission, and the Water Operations and Engineering team overseeing plant upgrades and construction.
Mayor Sarno states, “I want to commend Josh Schimmel and his dedicated team at the Springfield Water and Sewer Commission for advancing these critical upgrades to our water system, especially as we mark this national day of advocacy and the importance of maintaining and enhancing our infrastructure and water and sewer systems. Besides the obvious infrastructure and water and sewer operations and services, the numerous jobs that this regional utility provides is significant. The West Parish Filters has been the site of our drinking water treatment since 1909 and these upgrades will continue that proud legacy into the 21st century. This project is just one of the 20 projects across the Commissions capital portfolio that they are investing over $550 million into. As a result of this investment, we continue to have one of the best water systems in the country and the upcoming new West Parish Water Treatment Plant will ensure that we continue to have high quality and reliable water service for today’s residents and future generations. My administration is proud to support Josh Schimmel and the Water and Sewer Commission as they continue to improve and enhance their regional facilities for the betterment of their customers.”
As part of the events to mark Imagine A Day Without Water, the Commission hosted members of the public at West Parish Filters for an Open House and tours of the past, present and future of their drinking water. West Parish has been the site of drinking water treatment for the Springfield since the early 1900s. As part of the Open House, visitors toured filters from the 1920s and 1970s, as well as the new 2023 Backwash Facility. Also on display were renderings and information about the new West Parish Water Treatment Plant, currently at 90% design and scheduled for completion in 2028. Commission staff were on hand to answer questions about the new plant, as well as existing operations, the water quality sampling program, and careers in the water sector.
Executive Director Schimmel stated, “Drinking water is essential for our daily lives, public health, and economic development. On Imagine A Day Without Water we consider what it would be like to go without these essential services, especially as the impacts of aging infrastructure and climate change increase the risk to our water infrastructure nationwide. Last month we briefly experienced that reality here in the Springfield region after extreme precipitation caused a large water main break, underscoring the urgency to invest in more resilient and reliable water infrastructure. We are excited to share the work taking place at West Parish to do just that, as well as an opportunity for our customers to learn about how their water is treated, the people and work that make it happen, and the promising future of water treatment ahead.”
New West Parish Water Treatment Plant
The Backwash Facility represents Phase 1 construction of the new West Parish Water Treatment Plant, which is currently at 90% design and is scheduled to be complete in 2028. The new plant will reduce risk associated with aging infrastructure, enhance climate resiliency, and improve water quality regulatory compliance.
Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Renewal Program
The new West Parish Water Treatment Plant is one of more than 20 capitals projects included in the Commission’s $550 million Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Renewal Program (WWIRP). The WWIRP was initiated in 2021 and includes both drinking water and wastewater projects. The WWIRP is advancing on an accelerated schedule due to the Commission securing a highly competitive, $250 million low-interest loan from EPA’s Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA) program as well as through competitive financing from the Massachusetts Drinking Water and Clean Water State Revolving Funds (SRF).
More information on the WWIRP and the portfolio of projects is available here: