Mayor Sarno states, “I want to thank Health and Human Services Commissioner Helen Caulton-Harris, Elder Affairs Director Sandy Federico, Eliana Gutierrez and the entire dedicated staff at our Department of Elder Affairs for hosting this wonderful Rock the Runway Summer Fashion Show for our seniors. Summer is here and what better way to engage and have some fun for our Springfield seniors then with a fun and exciting runway fashion show. The models were fabulous and the seniors were loving and cheering everyone on as they showcased some of the latest summer fashion – from the runways of Paris to our Raymond Jordan Senior Center here in Springfield, Massachusetts.”
In the News
Mayor Sarno Visit with Seniors at Raymond Jordan Senior Center for Special Rock the Runway Summer Fashion Show
City News
Mayor Domenic J. Sarno joined with the Department of Elder Affairs and seniors for a special Rock the Runway Summer Fashion Show at the Raymond Jordan Senior Center on Wednesday, July 12th.