Mayor Sarno states, “Health and Human Services Commissioner Helen Caulton-Harris, Elder Affairs Director Sandy Federico and I want to thank Public Health Institute Executive Director Jessica Collins and her dedicated team for partnering with our Department of Elder Affairs to provide our seniors with this health and tech showcase to highlight the various health and tech innovations in celebration of Older Americans Month. Events such as this helps to improve and enhance the quality of life for our seniors while connecting them with the various services available from our partner organizations and agencies.”
In the News
Mayor Sarno, HHS Commissioner Caulton-Harris, State Representative Williams and City Councilor Walsh attend Public Health Institute Special Age-Friendly Health and Tech Showcase
City News
Mayor Domenic J. Sarno, Health and Human Services (HHS) Commissioner Helen Caulton-Harris, State Representative Bud Williams, City Councilor Kateri Walsh and Eliana Gutierrez from the Department of Elder Affairs attended and brought greetings at the Live Well Springfield / Public Health Institute of Western Massachusetts Age-Friendly Health and Tech Showcase event at the Raymond Jordan Senior Center. The event is in collaboration with the city of Springfield Department of Elder Affairs and feature 15-20 tech venders for seniors.