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Mayor Sarno and HHS Commissioner Caulton-Harris Congratulate Deputy Public Health Commissioner Tiana Davis on being named MPHA Emerging Leader / Alfred Frechette Award Honoree

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Mayor Domenic J. Sarno and Health and Human Services (HHS) Commissioner Helen Caulton-Harris congratulate Deputy Public Health Commissioner Tiana Davis on being named the Massachusetts Public Health Association’s (MPHA) Emerging Leader / Alfred Frechette Award honoree. This award is presented to an individual under the age of 40 that has developed an innovative, unique and original program and shows leadership and promise in public health or a related field in Massachusetts.

Mayor Sarno states, “Congratulations to Deputy Public Health Commissioner Tiana Davis on this tremendous honor and achievement.  Ms. Davis is a talented and highly qualified public health professional, and is no stranger to community and public health work.  Her experience, education and passion to helping our community is commendable.  Since joining our Health and Human Services Department, she has served our residents and business community with distinction and this award and recognition is a testament to her hard work and efforts in improving the quality of life for our Springfield.”

HHS Commissioner Caulton-Harris stated, “I want to congratulate Tiana Davis on receiving this well-deserved and prestigious award from the Massachusetts Public Health Association.  Ms. Davis is a strong, intelligent, and talented public health professional who has built strong community relationships in the city of Springfield.  Her work with the Department of Health and Human Services has been invaluable and our community is luck to have her services.” 

Mayor Sarno and HHS Commissioner Helen Caulton-Harris announced the appointment of Tiana Davis as the new Deputy Public Health Commissioner for the city of Springfield Department of Health and Human Services in July 2021.  Davis previously served as the Clinical Manager for the city of Springfield’s Health and Human Services for the Homeless Health Center. Prior to joining the City’s Department of HHS as a Clinical Health Manager, Ms. Davis was a Benefits Eligibility Referral Social Worker at the Massachusetts Executive Office of Health & Human Services. She served for eight years at Mercy Medical Center in Springfield, working in a variety of medically-related disciplines. Since 2019, as Clinical Health Manager for the City’s Health Center that serves homeless and other vulnerable populations throughout Springfield as well as Hampshire, Hampden, and Franklin Counties, Ms. Davis coordinated Health Center operations related to patient care, staff development and training, program data collection and billing, and managed contracts with community partners.

A lifelong resident of Springfield, Ms. Davis holds a Master of Public Health degree from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, and a Bachelor of Science degree in Human Services from Springfield College.

The Massachusetts Public Health Association will be holding their 21st Annual Spring Awards Breakfast on June 2, 2023 to honor and recognize Ms. Davis, and the other award honorees, at the Artists for Humanity EpiCenter in Boston.  For more information, please visit the MPHA website at:   

Page last updated:  Tuesday, March 1, 2022 01:32 pm