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Mayor Sarno and HHS Commissioner Caulton-Harris attend Black Behavioral Health Network Inc. Inaugural Fundraising Event

|   City News

Mayor Domenic J. Sarno and Health and Human Services (HHS) Commissioner Helen Caulton-Harris attended the Black Behavioral Health Network Inc. inaugural fundraising event on Thursday, February 23rd at Springfield College. HHS Commissioner Helen Caulton-Harris served as the keynote speaker.

Mayor Sarno states, “I was honored to join with HHS Commissioner Helen Caulton-Harris as she served as the keynote speaker for the Black Behavioral Health Networks inaugural fundraising event to help bring awareness and support mental health and recovery while addressing the negating stigma and emphasizing hope and healing in our community. It is ok to seek and ask for help.”

Page last updated:  Tuesday, March 1, 2022 01:32 pm