Mayor Domenic J. Sarno states, “In speaking with Housing Code Enforcement Deputy Director Keith O’Connor and receiving a recent Housing Court update, it is evidently clear that the ownership and management of Springfield Gardens is in over their head. We will continue to press the proper management of these properties on behalf of the residents of the city of Springfield in Housing Court. The most recent update today, once again, Springfield Gardens was found in contempt by Housing Court Judge Kane, in their failure to provide adequate security for their tenants as well as the numerous housing code violations that remain as they continue with their dereliction of duties. This was clearly evident in the most recent fire in their North End Main Street property, which was attributed to squatters, due to a lack of security on their property. As a result, the fire displaced twenty families and caused water damage to adjacent buildings including the New North Citizens Council’s Early Education program.”
“Besides our continued press through Housing Court to get these properties up to code, I would strongly urge the State Section 8 subsidized housing establishments and programs to withhold payment to Springfield Gardens,” Mayor Sarno continued. “If that does not get their attention, by hitting them in their wallet, to expedite these repairs and security procedures then nothing will and we will continue to explore all of our options including receivership. What boggles my mind is that you have a number of other apartment complexes in close vicinity to Springfield Gardens that are under proper and responsible ownership and management that do not have these issues. I state this because Springfield Gardens will state it is not their fault and point fingers at everything else but themselves. I’ve had it with them and their hollow words!”