The RFP for public services (CDBG) can be found at:
The City of Springfield’s Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG) is designed to expand opportunities for low- and moderate-income citizens through the provision of public services, acquisition, improvements to public facilities, neighborhood improvements, housing and economic development opportunities.
Proposals must be consistent with the HUD Consolidated Plan, CDBG requirements, City Code, and other City policies. This RFP is an open, competitive process to award available resources based upon satisfaction of the described criteria. Submission of a proposal does not guarantee funding. The City may choose not to allocate all available resources. All applicants must be current on all Federal, State, and City taxes, as well as all City fees.
The City of Springfield invites proposals from Public Service Organizations who provide programs for a specific group of people where at least 51% of whom are L/M income persons. The clientele served must be from the City of Springfield.
The proposal must be complete and include information regarding the organization name, program name, location of the program, detailed scope of service/activity description, a complete budget and must meet the HUD National Objective to benefit low- and moderate-income persons; persons who earn at or below 80% of the median income and/or reside in census tracts with at least 51% of the population at low and moderate income levels.
Activities that are eligible for funding include, but are not limited to:
- Youth Services;
- Elderly Services;
- Health Services;
- Adult Basic Ed (ABE);
- General Education Development (GED);
- Homelessness-prevention programming for Homeless Persons and Persons at Risk of becoming Homeless;
- Job training and Placement; programs that focus on hard to serve population; individuals who are out of the educational system and or workforce;
- Fund supportive services that reduce risk of the “cliff effect”;
- Substance abuse services; including counseling, treatment and mental health;
- Domestic violence;
- Crime Prevention and Public Safety;
- Foreclosure Prevention;
- Fair Housing Counseling;
- Services for Disabled Persons
All Public Service agencies are encouraged to submit a completed RFP. Extra points will be given to proposals for those programs who focus on Job Training and Placement with preference given to programs that focus on hard to serve population; and for programs that fund Supportive Services that reduce barriers for low to moderate income households seeking employment, reducing the risk of the “cliff effect”.
Proposals will be reviewed by a review committee made up of City of Springfield staff and evaluated on a scale of 1-100 points in three categories; Organizational Experience & Performance, Program Need & Importance and Financial Feasibility. The selection process is expected to be completed by May, 2023 and funds will be made available for programs to begin July 1, 2023. The programs will run from July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024.
All potential applicants are encouraged to review the entire RFP before completing.
Questions regarding Public Service maybe submitted in writing to by February 15, 2023. Responses will be posted on the Office of Community Development’s website https// by 4:00 pm February 16, 2023.
Additionally, the City of Springfield is seeking applicants for the Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Program and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) for the program year beginning July 1, 2023.
The ESG program provides funds to non-profit agencies to operate programs providing homelessness prevention, street outreach, emergency shelter essential services for people in shelter and rapid rehousing. ESG funds must be used to serve Springfield individuals and families.
The ESG Request for Proposals (RFP) is online at:
The HOPWA program provides funds to non-profit agencies to provide housing assistance and related supportive services for low-income people living with HIV and their families. Springfield receives HOPWA funds for the regional area of Hamden, Hampshire and Franklin counties, and the funds must be used to serve individuals and families in those counties. The HOPWA RFP is online at:
RFPs are available at the online links February 1, 2023, and proposals are due by 12:00 pm on March 2, 2023.
The City will hold online question and answer sessions on each of these RFPs on Wednesday, February 22, 2023. The ESG session is at 10:00 am, and the HOPWA session is at 11:00 am. The link for the sessions is provided in the RFPs.