Mayor Domenic J. Sarno states, “These key funds look to strike a proper balance of proactive youth development programs with a public safety operation, when and if needed to knock down ‘hot spot areas’.”
Funded by the Executive Office of Public Safety and Security, the Shannon Grant provides support to communities to address youth and gang violence, a comprehensive plan to work with multi-disciplinary partners, and a commitment to coordinated prevention and just as important intervention strategies. Funded strategies include social intervention and opportunity provision programs, as well as gang task force personnel costs. Bringing academic and research centers together with municipalities to address the gang and youth violence in the community, this grant funds enforcement and meaningful alternatives to at-risk and gang-involved youth. This funding can provide involved youth with direct services through all local partners.
The Shannon program will be available for the grant period of approximately January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023. Upon notice of award, the City of Springfield and the Springfield Police Department may award up to 67% of the overall award, as done in previous years, for proven programming that aligns and supports the Shannon CSI.
The 2023 Shannon CSI Grant is a competitive grant, community based program. Agencies are eligible to apply for the maximum amount of $100,000.00, SPD may award full funding, partial funding, or no funding.
Preference will be given to applications that (1) propose programs that target geographical areas with demonstrated high levels of youth violence, gang problems, and substance abuse, (2) demonstrate a commitment to neighborhood based strategies, (3) outline a comprehensive plan to work with multidisciplinary partners, (4) provide a written commitment to match grant funds with a 25% contribution from public or private sources.
RFP will be made available on September 16, 2022. RFP will be due on October 7, 2022 by 2:00 p.m. EST.
Announcements of awards will be no later than December 5, 2022.
Applications for the Shannon CSI Grant Program are available at the Office of Procurement, 36 Court St. Room 307, Springfield, (413)787-6284 or online at