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Mayor Sarno and City Officials Meet with Joshua Croke, new MassDevelopment TDI Fellow for Mason Square

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Mayor Domenic J. Sarno, Chief Development Officer Tim Sheehan, Deputy Director of Economic Development Brian Connors, Principal Planner Alvin Allen, and Mayoral Aide Lavar Click-Bruce met with Joshua Croke, MassDevelopment Transformative Development Initiative (TDI) fellow for Mason Square, today to discuss development opportunities for the Mason Square neighborhood.

Josh is the founder of Action! By Design, a design studio helping organizations amplify community power through community engagement and facilitation, coalition building, and branding and storytelling.  They support the LGBTQIA+ community and the mental, emotion and physical health needs of the community. 

Mayor Sarno states, “CDO Tim Sheehan and I had a good meeting with Josh to discuss economic development opportunities in our Mason Square neighborhood.  As the new MassDevelopment TDI fellow, they came highly recommended by MassDevelopment President and CEO and former Mayor of the city of Lawrence Dan Rivera.  They had multiple opportunities to become involved in other communities but decided to choose the city of Springfield because of the many great opportunities and initiatives in our city, including being recognized as a welcoming and diverse community that supports everyone no matter their creed, color or sexual orientation.  The Springfield economic renaissance is making a comeback!”    

Page last updated:  Tuesday, March 1, 2022 01:32 pm