After well over three dozen outreach meetings with neighborhood councils, nonprofits and businesses initiated by Mayor Domenic J. Sarno, we have put forth an application process based on our city residents needs and following all the federal guidelines and requirements to qualify for ARPA assistance.
Recently, city departments have been inundated with inquiries and requests for assistance with ARPA funds. Please, we want to again, make it clear that the process is as followed:
- You are strongly encouraged to use the ARPA application online at:
- (English)
- (Spanish)
- If necessary, paper versions are available at the Office of Planning and Economic Development, 70 Tapley Street, Springfield, MA
- And at the four Senior Centers:
It is necessary that this process is followed so that a proper review can be done with all the appropriate and required backup documentation to be uploaded/filed that adheres to all federal ARPA guidelines and requirements. This information will determine if one is qualified for assistance.
There is only a limited amount of funds available. We again appreciate your continued patience and understanding.