The Springfield Museums are open seven days a week – you’re invited to play, explore, and create! Free with museum admission!
Summer Spectacular Activities taking place each day at the Springfield Museums through August 13th
Program Schedule for August 8 @ 10:00 am–5:00 pm
The Cat’s Corner, 10 am-4 pm
Stop in to read some of Ted Geisel’s original stories along with lots of other picture books. Take part in facilitated activities that merge art and literacy, allowing children to build and utilize diverse vocabulary and reading comprehension skills while creating an original piece of artwork.
Art Discovery Center, 12-4 pm
Trace your own Chinese horoscope, try on costumes and armor, play gallery games, peek under lift-up panels on the Wall of Symbols to discover the meaning behind Asian motifs, and get creative this week’s art project.
Spark!Lab, 10:30 am-4 pm
A new approach to hands-on making and learning! No step-by-step instructions here. Instead, kids will identify problems and challenges, develop solutions, and put their ideas into action—all while building important 21st century skills like creativity, critical thinking, problem solving, and adaptability.
Find Daily Program Schedules for August 8th – August 13th
And don’t forget about our special exhibits!