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Mayor Sarno and City Officials Welcome Nicole Obi, New President and CEO of Black Economic Council of Massachusetts

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Mayor Domenic J. Sarno, CAFO TJ Plante, Chief Development Officer Tim Sheehan, Chief of Staff Tom Ashe and Mayoral Aide Lavar Click-Bruce met with and welcomed Nicole Obi, new President and CEO of the Black Economic Council of Massachusetts, Senior Manager of Partnerships and Member Programs Anthony Moore – formerly of the city of Springfield’s Economic Development division, and Senior Policy and Advocacy Advisory Kareem Kibodya.

Mayor Sarno states, “I want to thank my former intern Kareem Kibodya for coordinating this meeting.  My dedicated city team and I had a good meeting with the new President and CEO of the Black Economic Council of Massachusetts Nicole Obi and her team to discuss the work their organization is doing statewide and their growing efforts to support the Black business community in Springfield.  My administration is looking forward to working on our continued initiatives to enhance these economic development efforts to not only create more jobs but also having these businesses gain access to technical assistance, certification and capital opportunities.”   

Page last updated:  Tuesday, March 1, 2022 01:32 pm