Councilor Govan, on behalf of the City Council and the Indian Orchard Citizens Council, presented Mayor Sarno, Representative Ramos, Senator Gomez and Paul Caron with a City Council citation in honor of their commitment to keeping the Indian Orchard Blooms Campaign going strong.
Mayor Sarno states, ““I commend Councilor Govan and the Indian Orchard Citizen’s Councils continued efforts as they launch their 5th Annual Neighborhood Beautification campaign, the very successful ‘Indian Orchard Blooms’. I want to thank and acknowledge all of the individuals and businesses that have helped to make this such a popular event. I am proud to donate my part too. Thanks to everyone’s efforts, especially to the Indian Orchard Citizen’s Council (IOCC) and Councilor and IOCC President Zaida Govan for their continued vision in this beautification campaign for our neighborhood. These flowers are beautiful to look at and will help keep the neighborhood vibrant and recapture the foot traffic and patronage that was lost due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Beautification campaigns such as this go a long way in helping to jumpstart and boost our Springfield economy and making our neighborhoods a beautiful place to live, work and play.”