Other city officials present for the neighborhood walk included City Forester Alex Sherman, Principal Planner Alvin Allen, City Engineers Vladimir Caceres and Peter Shumway, Project Manager Marcos Gonzalez and Communications Director William Baker. Students from the UMass Landscape Architecture and Regional Planning Design Studio, led by Frank Sleegers and Michael DiPasquale, also attended.
Mayor Sarno stated, “Our neighborhoods are the lifeline of our city, providing much needed services, outreach and insight to the specific needs of our residents and business community. I want to thank the Indian Orchard Citizens Council (IOCC), especially IOCC President and Ward 8 City Councilor Zaida Govan for taking time to meet and walk the neighborhood with my dedicated city and I. The creation of the ARPA Neighborhood Economic Recovery Fund comes as a direct result from my community and neighborhood council meetings that I held last year. In total we met with over 30 neighborhood councils and organizations to hear their ideas on how we can work together to enhance our neighborhoods for the betterment of our residents and business community.”
IOCC President and Ward 8 City Councilor Zaida Govan said, "The IOCC was so happy to host the Mayor and his administration today in Indian Orchard. We have a wonderful community out here and we are glad the Mayor is doing what he can to support our efforts. We look forward to the plum trees we’re getting out here and all the support our small businesses and residents will be getting."