Mayor Sarno presented a proclamation declaring the month of October 2021 as ‘Breast Cancer Awareness Month’ in the City of Springfield. Additionally, Mayor Sarno presented the Rays of Hope with a donation of over $5,000 that was generously raised by the employees of the City of Springfield and School Department.
Mayor Sarno states, “This is the 28th anniversary for the Rays of Hope and begun under the Sarno Administration, the 13th year in the City of Springfield we have held our annual Pink and Denim Day to support Breast Cancer Awareness. I want to thank those city and school department employees who generously donated to this great and worthy cause. Special thanks and a shout out to Assistant HR Director Caitlyn Julius, my Director of Constituent Services Molly Shea and Communications Director William Baker for their efforts coordinating our annual city Pink and Denim Day event, and thanks to Kathy Tobin and Michelle Graci and the team from Baystate for always being there in support of those individuals and families in need. We all have family and friends who have battled this challenge – this is especially true for me and my office as both my former Chief of Staff Denise Jordan, who was also the past Chairwoman for the Rays Hope 2018/19, and my longtime Administrative Assistant Carolyn Jackson and Mayoral Aide Mini Merraro have all fought and beaten breast cancer!”
“My administration is proud to stand with those affected and Baystate Medical Center in continuing to raise funds to cure and beat this medical challenge,” Mayor Sarno continued. “Although this year has brought many changes due to the ongoing COVID-19 Coronavirus pandemic, this year is extra special and I wish to congratulate our very own Al Rodriguez and his lovely wife Jackie for being named Baystate Health’s Rays of Hope chairs for 2020/2021. Such a wonderful and beautiful family who continue to show tremendous support not only to Jackie but to other breast cancer survivors too. Al, Jackie and family good health and continued success. God Bless.”
Due to the precautionary measures as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the in-person Rays of Hope Walk & Run event has been canceled. In its place, the Rays of Hope will hold a drive-through Parade of Hope event. Residents and supporters are encouraged to show their Pink Spirit and join with the Rays of Hope for the Parade of Hope on Sunday, October 24, 2021 for a vehicle car parade at the Temple Beth El at 979 Dickinson Street from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm. For more information, please visit Rays of Hope 2021: Event Details - VIRTUAL 2021 - Temple Beth El - Baystate Health Foundation (