The City of Springfield Department of Health and Human Services (SDHHS) and Community Partners will offer free COVID-19 Vaccinations at the Vaccination Celebration: A Free Event for All Ages taking place at Magazine Park (corner of Magazine Street and Saint James Avenue) located in the Mason Square community.
Who: Springfield Department of Health and Human Services and Community Partners
What: Vaccination Celebration: A Free Event for All Ages
When: Saturday, July 31, 2021 at 1:00pm – 5:00pm
Where: Magazine Park (corner of Magazine Street and Saint James Avenue in Springfield, MA)
The community event will be held from 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM on Saturday, July 31st (Rain date Saturday, August 14, 2021). COVID-19 vaccinations will be offered for individuals ages 12 and older. With the support of SDHHS and community partners, all three authorized vaccines will be available including, Pfizer-BioNTech (12 years and older), Moderna (18 years and older) and Johnson & Johnson/Janssen (18 years and older). Though COVID-19 vaccination rates in Springfield continue to rise, city rates are lower than the State vaccination rates. As of July 7, 2021 the vaccination rates among fully vaccinated Massachusetts residents is 61.0%, however the vaccination rate among fully vaccinated Springfield residents is 42.0%, (Massachusetts Department of Public Health, MDPH).
With grant funding from the Massachusetts Health Council, the event will offer free meals to the first 300 Springfield residents provided by local area food vendors. At 2:30PM the event will include a performance by vocalist Donny Wright followed by a talent show at 3:00 PM featuring local youth. Music for the afternoon event will be provided by a DJ. Local community organizations will be onsite to share health information to the public.
Mayor Domenic J. Sarno states, “First of all, I’d like to thank the unquestioned leadership efforts of Commissioner Helen Caulton-Harris, my city team, and all our dedicated partners as we continue to move to defeat this COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. This ‘taking it to the streets’ continued attack will make it even easier to get vaccinated. Simply put, getting all our Springfield residents vaccinated is good for oneself, one’s family, and our entire community. Shots in the arm leads towards full public, business, and consumer confidence.
Community partners include: Massachusetts Health Council, Baystate Health, MOCHA (Men of Color Health Awareness), Tapestry Health, New North Citizens’ Council, Gandara Center, Project Baby, March of Dimes, Heart 2 Heart Health Lactation and Wellness, Master Lee’s Taekwondo & After School program, Artistic Dance Conservatory and Springfield Florist Supply, Inc.