Mayor Domenic J. Sarno and Director of Parks, Buildings, & Recreation Management Patrick Sullivan joined today with Mary Ann Maloney and members of Concerned Citizens of Springfield, Inc. (CCS), City Councilor Melvin Edwards along with Springfield’s many Neighborhood Councils at Forest Park to announce a joint initiative focusing on beautifying our Springfield Neighborhoods though cleanups, the arts, education, and raised awareness.
Mayor Domenic J. Sarno stated, “First, a big thank you to Mary Ann Maloney and the Concerned Citizens of Springfield for being so involved in coordinating this effort along with our Director of PBRM Patrick Sullivan. In addition, I am thankful to our Neighborhood Councils, residents, and business community for coming together to address this issue. It takes a team effort in keeping our community clean and safe and none of us can do it alone – be a hero – curb appeal – Springfield Clean.”
“So many people came together around this cause and many are continuously working on this issue, including Councilor Edwards and Keep Springfield Beautiful. A big shout out to Dorman Elementary School art teacher Therese DeSaulnier, Director of Visual and Performing Arts for Springfield Public Schools Julie Jaron, our partners from CCS Deborah Shea and Katie Orellana, and especially our home-grown talent, the students from Dorman Elementary Mishael, Magenta, and Jachi who did such a beautiful job on these art pieces which are featured here at Forest Park on our banner and on posters which will hang in our schools and other municipal buildings. We are also very lucky to have the talented work, which includes an important message, by Putnam Vocational High School student Elisa Flores showcased as well.”
Mayor Sarno explained, “Just as important is the educational curriculum we’re working to develop with Superintendent Warwick in our school system to engrain the importance of doing your part to keep our city clean and healthy to all our students and their families. I am so grateful to all the heroes out there who do their part every day to keep Springfield looking it’s best. I encourage everyone to join me in taking the “No Litter Pledge,” and we are going to challenge you to go one step further – we're challenging everyone to pick up a piece of litter too. A simple act can have a big impact.”
Take the #SpringfieldClean Social Media Challenge. Use the hashtag #SpringfieldClean on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram when you post a photo or video of you, your family, friends, and neighbors picking up a piece of litter in your community. Check out who has already taken the challenge on our social media pages.