Mayor Sarno was also joined by his dedicated economic and diversity and equity team include, Chief Development Officer Tim Sheehan, MassHire President and CEO David Cruise, Baystate Health Vice President of Public Health and Community Relations Frank Robinson, and Economic Development Council President and CEO Rick Sullivan.
Mayor Sarno states, “It was great to be able to discuss and share with fellow mayors our best practices in economic development, public health, and diversity and equity initiatives. It was also good to speak with Mayor Victoria Woodwards of Tacoma, Washington. I really enjoyed the heartfelt interaction with Mayor Woodards, for only a mayor truly knows what it is like to serve – we work 24/7 and we all truly love the job and the work we do. I want to thank my Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer Attorney Talia Gee for helping to coordinate this virtual meeting with the National League of Cities. It was a great experience and very informative to listen and hear what other communities are doing across the nation.”
Other mayors who participated included, Mayor Linda Gorton of Lexington, Kentucky, Mayor Kim Norton of Rochester, Minnesota, Mayor Ron Nirenberg of San Antonio, Texas, former Mayor Sly James of Kansas City, Missouri, Mayor Victoria Woodards of Tacoma, Washington, and Mayor London Breed of San Francisco, California. Other participants included Colleen Dawicki, Deputy Director, Working Cities Challenge, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, George Hobor, Senior Program Officer, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and Charles Rutheiser, Senior Associate, Annie E. Casey Foundation.