Mayor Domenic J. Sarno joined with the Springfield Regional Chamber for their annual Mayors Forum. Easthampton Mayor Nicole LaChapelle, Westfield Mayor Donald Humason, and West Springfield Mayor Will Reichelt also participated. This virtual discussion focused on how each community responded to the COVID-19 Coronavirus pandemic and what the future will hold. Western Mass News anchor Dave Madsen served as the moderator.
Mayor Sarno stated, “This is a great event and I enjoy coming together with the Springfield Regional Chamber and my fellow Mayors – though I wish we could be in person. Thank you to Springfield Regional Chamber President Nancy Creed, Dave Madsen, and Mayors LaChapelle, Humason, and Reichelt for an excellent discussion, as well as some friendly banter and laughs. I know we are all grateful to be on the homestretch of defeating this COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic and looking forward to coming together in person soon.”