Mayor Domenic J. Sarno has issued a proclamation declaring the month of March 2021 as “Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month” here in the City of Springfield. The month of March has been celebrated as National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month since the year 2000. This disease, which claims far too many lives each year, is treatable in early stages. This is why awareness, education, and early screenings are so crucial.
This year, the Colorectal Cancer Alliance invites communities across the country to “go blue” in March to bring awareness to colorectal cancer – “CRC.” Look out for some of your favorite landmarks in Massachusetts to be "lit up blue" on Friday March 5th for the cause, including Springfield’s Union Station and Gillette Stadium in Foxborough.
All are encouraged to wear blue clothing or a blue ribbon on Friday March 5, 2021 to support the cause of bringing awareness and providing education about CRC.
Mayor Domenic J. Sarno stated, “First, I am grateful to Kimberly Schoolcraft for bringing awareness about this highly preventable disease to the forefront and for giving us an opportunity to participate in National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. Thank you Kimberly and FightCRC for your dedication to education and awareness. Educating ourselves and our loved ones is invaluable which is why I am proud to wear blue this Friday to shine a light on CRC and urge others to educate themselves and screen early.”
Visit for more information.