In the News

Mayor Sarno’s Continued Outreach and Advocating to State and Curative Mass Vaccination Eastfield Mall Site Officials Spurs Customer Service-Friendly Changes for Seniors

Mayor Domenic J. Sarno states, “In speaking with Lt. Governor Karyn Polito and Curative Site Director Dean Shultis a number of times yesterday and this morning about better and more timely customer service logistics for our senior citizens in Springfield and Western Mass, I have been assured that these changes/adjustments are going to be made ASAP:

  • Senior citizens will be allowed to wait inside the Eastfield Mall site
  • More workforce is to be added to cut down wait times
  • The National Guard is being deployed to assist
  • Ambassadors and sign board notifications will be implemented
  • A review will be conducted of Curative’s systems approach for contacting and updating senior citizens on their appointments

Again, we must always be cognizant of the needs of our seniors, especially during these challenging and surreal times of defeating the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic. Again, I am very appreciative of Governor Charlie Baker’s and Lt. Governor Polito’s siting of a mass vaccination site right here in Springfield and their continued efforts to defeat COVID-19.” 

Page last updated:  Tuesday, March 1, 2022 01:32 pm