In the News

Mayor Sarno Issues Statement on Attack on Nation’s Capitol and Our Democracy

Mayor Domenic J. Sarno is sickened and saddened by the events that have unfolded at our nation’s Capitol today.

Mayor Sarno stated, “This is surreal, we are the United States of America, the beacon of strength, hope, and democracy to the world – not a third world country. This is a breach in our American peaceful transition of power. President Trump thinks he acts from a position of strength, but his actions and inactions send the exact opposite message of weakness and insecurity to our citizens and to the world. A true leader stands tall whether in good times or bad and does what has to be done to inspire and unite, not to incite negative situations. There is a stark difference between peaceful protest and mayhem. President Trump let this fester, was ill-prepared to protect the US Capitol and the residents of Washington D.C., and has yet to condemn these actions, but in actuality has commended them! Harm and bloodshed have occurred. A true leader does not promote these types of actions. A true leader leads for what is best for one’s country, one’s state, and one’s city – not for one’s self. Today is a terrible day in U.S. history and a terrible legacy left by President Trump. One thing is for sure, we will recover, we will heal, and we will unite to move forward in a positive light for we are still the beacon of strength, hope, and democracy for the world.”

Page last updated:  Tuesday, March 1, 2022 01:32 pm