Mayor Domenic J. Sarno was pleased to join with City Councilor Tim Allen, Chief of Staff Tom Ashe, Deputy Director of Parks Buildings, and Recreation Management Peter Krupczak, Assistant City Forester Alex Sherman, and Building Supervisor John Bilodeau in Springfield’s East Forest Park Neighborhood for a flag dedication at the island terrace located at the corner of Gillette Avenue and Gillette Circle.
This flag dedication was inspired by the patriotic and unifying act performed by one East Forest Park resident, John Diaz, who erected an American flag on a tree located on the island terrace this past fall. This led the City to install a permanent flag pole and formally dedicate an American flag.
Mayor Sarno presented John Diaz, who was joined by his family, with a proclamation to recognize and thank him for taking the initiative to fly the American flag in his neighborhood. Neighbors joined the dedication and recited the pledge of allegiance along with the Diaz family, Mayor Sarno, and city officials.
Mayor Domenic J. Sarno stated, “We are in the businesses of building things up, not tearing them down and John Diaz demonstrated just that by proudly flying an American flag in his neighborhood, which his family and neighbors were proud to see. Now, we have a beautiful addition to this island terrace to remind us all the we are American and we are united. Let us always remember and never forget – the only way we will get through this is together.”