Mayor Domenic J. Sarno once again attended the Annual Hanukkah Celebration with Lubavicher Yeshiva Academy for the lighting of the Menorah in Court Square to mark the beginning of Hanukkah. This year the ceremony was held under COVID-19 guidelines and the usual gathering and events after the lighting of the Menorah did not take place.
On Thursday evening, Mayor Sarno joined with Rabbis Chaim and Noach Kosofsky as well as State Senator Eric Lesser and City Councilor Jesse Lederman to celebrate the beginning of the 2020 Hanukkah holiday with the lighting of the Giant Menora in Springfield's Court Square.
Mayor Sarno stated, “Although this year has toned down or canceled many of our usual events, we still need to acknowledge and celebrate positive occasions where we can safely and within the COVID-19 protocols and public health and safety measures. I want to thank Rabbi Noach Kosofsky and everyone at the Lubavicher Yeshiva Academy for continuing with the traditional lighting of the Menorah in our beautiful Court Square, even during these surreal and challenging times. Now more than ever do we need to take a moment to celebrate the blessings we have.”