Mayor Domenic J. Sarno states this past mis-forecasted storm was difficult for all of us, but even with these challenges, we always strive to do better – my apologies and I thank and appreciate our residents constructive criticism, patience, and understanding. Having conversed with DPW Director Chris Cignoli a number of times during these back to back storms that netted us nearly 19 inches of snow and having traversed a number of side streets in questions – some with on street parking issues and others without, I have directed DPW Director Cignoli to do the following:
- Review our street inspector procedures
- Full court press with our Springfield police department with ticketing and towing
- Aggressive management and accountability of our plowing sub-contractors
- Expanded pre-treatment of our roads
Again, my apologies, as we all know Mother Nature has a mind of her own, but we must and will be better prepared.