Mayor Domenic J. Sarno states, “Why in the world would the MBTA award a sole contract to Hyundai Rotem to build 80 bi-level coaches in South Korea, when right here ‘in our backyard of Springfield’ and our Commonwealth, we have the world’s largest rail car manufacturer’s North American headquarters CRRC. This decision is a threat to our current local workforce, vendors, suppliers and materials businesses, just as we’ve been moving towards an expansion of our manufacturing base. I will continue to work with Governor Baker, Congressman Neal, our state delegation and our building trades Sheet Local #63 and Electric Local #7 to seek ‘the rhyme or reason’ for and more importantly how this can be reconsidered – after all we’re using state funds, not to build in Springfield, but rather a foreign country – doesn’t make common sense to me.”
Page last updated: Tuesday, March 1, 2022 01:32 pm