In the News

Mayor Sarno and McDonald’s Corporation to Make Announcement on Summer Hiring and the Archway to Opportunity Program

McDonald’s Corporation and Mayor Sarno to make announcement about summer hiring and the added incentive of the Archways to Opportunity program.  The press announcement is scheduled to be held on Monday, May 13th at 10:30am at the North End McDonald’s located at 2392 Main Street.

The goal is to align the many programs offered at local community college with the benefit employees can leverage with Archways: for many, this could cover the cost of their college education.

Joining Mayor Sarno will be Archways students in attendance to attest to the strength and opportunity of the program.  McDonald’s staff will be on hand to offer current and future employees: a good job, a chance to learn and develop real skills, and under one of the best and most renowned training modules in America

Page last updated:  Tuesday, March 1, 2022 01:32 pm