Mayor Domenic J. Sarno, Police Commissioner Cheryl Clapprood, Health & Human Services Commissioner Helen Caulton-Harris, and Executive Director of Parks, Buildings, and Recreation Management Patrick Sullivan are pleased to announce that the internationally acclaimed United States Army Field Band of Washington, DC will continue its long tradition of presenting free public performances when it appears at Springfield Symphony Hall on Sunday, March 24, 2019 at 3:00 p.m. The Army Field Band’s concert in Springfield is sponsored by the City of Springfield. Tickets are free and may be obtained by visiting the following web site: . Past performances have sold out quickly, so don’t delay in downloading your free tickets.
The Concert Band & Soldiers’ Chorus is the oldest and largest of the U.S. Army Field Band’s performing components. These two ensembles combine to present entertaining joint concerts on their national and international tours. They have performed in all 50 states and in 30 foreign countries for audiences totaling hundreds of millions.
The seventy-member Concert Band and thirty-member Soldiers’ Chorus perform regularly in some of the most famous concert halls in the world, and just as often in the humblest auditoriums in small communities. The joining of these two ensembles allows them to offer unparalleled versatility of programming, ranging from orchestral masterworks and operatic arias to Sousa marches, jazz classics, and Broadway musicals. The band and chorus also perform independently, and have recently shared the stage with such ensembles as the Boston Pops, the Cincinnati Pops, the Detroit Symphony Orchestra, and the National Symphony Orchestra.
In addition to their national tours, formal concerts, chamber recitals, and educational outreach, members of the Concert Band and Soldiers’ Chorus frequently represent the Army at formal and
ceremonial functions, including the Presidential Inaugural Parade, presidential funerals, the Army All-American Bowl, and diplomatic efforts overseas. More than six decades as the military’s most traveled musicians have earned them the title, “The Musical Ambassadors of the Army.”
Mayor Sarno stated, “We are honored to host the United States Army Field Band in our majestic Symphony Hall. This exciting performance provides residents throughout the Pioneer Valley an opportunity to honor our servicemen and women by attending the concert. I look forward to welcoming our guests along with Commissioner Claprood to Symphony Hall and encourage all of our residents to join me in enjoying a musical extravaganza.”
Commissioner Clapprood stated, “The Springfield Police Department is honored to join Mayor Sarno in welcoming the US Army Field Band & Chorus to the City of Springfield. This will be an opportunity for everyone to participate and show our support for the US Army by attending this concert. It is an honor for Springfield to be chosen for this event and the Springfield Police Department is proud to be posting the United States Flag at the opening of the concert.”
Commissioner Helen Caulton-Harris said, “The Division of Health and Human Services is pleased to partner with the Park Department to assist our residents and neighboring communities to attend this concert. It is an honor for Springfield to be chosen by the U.S. Army Field Band to perform at Symphony Hall. I encourage all residents who wish to attend and need access in downloading tickets may contact my office for assistance. Please email or call (413) 886-5018. This is a once in lifetime opportunity so please get your tickets early so you won’t be disappointed.”
Executive Director Patrick Sullivan stated, “Symphony Hall will provide a beautiful venue for the U.S. Army Field Band Concert. It was great news for our city when they contacted Mayor Sarno and offered to play here for our residents. This is a unique opportunity for our city and we encourage everyone to come out and enjoy an exceptional afternoon in downtown Springfield. Please visit the following web site to access your tickets: You may also call the Springfield Parks office at (413) 787-7770 if you have questions or need assistance.”
For press purposes here is a link to the US Army Band PSA.